Scale drawings- BR/LNER Modern Traction


Well-known member
Through some digging, I have managed to source scale drawings of the following BR modern traction classes, none of which have so far been modelled for Trainz to my knowledge. In some cases, cab photos are available:

BR/GWR Brown Boveri Gas Turbine 18000
BR Gas Turbine 18100 (Also suitable for the Class 80 electric derived from 18100)
BR Prototype DP2
BR Prototype 10800 (actually already done for Trainz, I think?)
BR Diesels 10201-203
LMS Ivatt Diesels 10000 and 10001
Fell Diesel-Mechanical, in all variations
Hawker-Siddeley HS4000 'Kestrel'
BRCW D0260 'Lion'
Clayton DHP1
English Electric/Vulcan Foundary GT3
BR/Brush Traction Class 53 'Falcon'
NER/LNER Bo-Bo Class ES1
NER/LNER Bo-Bo Class EF1/EB1 (Includes all variations)
NER/LNER 2-Co-2 Class EE1
BR Class EM2 Co-Co (includes all variations)

Anybody who's interested, PM me and I'll photocopy them for you. All drawings are either exact 00 or N gauge. Are they any other diesel/electric locos you'd like me to find drawings for?
Darn! The DP1 is the only one I couldn't find drawings for. Bit bizarre really, you'd think as the most well known one it'd be easy to find drawings for, but I've checked everywhere and cannot find any. Probably one of the ones I'd most like to see, too.
Whitepass- only DHP1 and GT3 don't have OO gauge drawings.
Guess the NRM is probably the only place likely to have the DP1 Drawings.

I've just read that the original works drawings are lost, so I think I'm out of luck. The recent Bachmann model got round this by employing a laser scanner on the real loco...
Nevermind, it's a shame though, I would have liked to have seen your take on DP1. I did wonder why drawings for it were not included in my book with the others in, I suppose this explains it.
Do you fancy doing any of the others?
Could do a scale it from photographs job I guess, if there are no drawings doubt anyone will be able to rivet count!
Well I've scanned a few, so I thought I'd post some here:
(Some have been annotated by me, to give extra detail)
(Drawings removed due to copyright)
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And these two:
(Drawings removed due to copyright)

(I can annotate these to add details like total length, height, wheelbase length etc.)
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More spam this morning than a Monty Python sketch...
Anyway, some more. I might have to re-scan the EF1, it's a bit of an angle.
(drawings removed due to copyright)



(This one might be too small to use)
The wheel diameters for GT3 are 5ft 9in for the drivers and 3ft for the front and tender bogey. Loco wheelbase is 27ft 9in, including tender 55ft 4in.
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I'm sure they won't. :) Some are easily available online anyway. If a specific objection is raised, I will remove them. But I thought it would be convenient for the forum to have a easy-to-find thread just for scale drawings of locomotives.
I may also be able to source Class 81/83/84/85 and APT-E drawings in the near future. I also understand there is a desire in the British Trainz community for a new Class 56- whilst they are not really in my preferred 'era', I might be able to find drawings for them, too.
Sorry to be a bore, I would not want you to get into trouble and I am sure you are doing this with the best of intentions but do you specifically have the copyright holder's permission to post this material on the internet? If not aren't you in breach of the COC?
Given your concerns, I have decided to remove the drawings that aren't easily available online anyway. However, they are still available and I will PM them to anyone who wants to use them. :)
Definitely MSTS, you can tell by the smoke and the trees. Every attempt to do GT3 in Trainz seems to be cursed. cmburgess was doing one, but he quit Trainz and never finished it. It was at quite an advanced stage too, I wonder if he still has the mesh tucked away somewhere? It could potentially be finished off by someone else.
I did a cheap'n'nasty Sketchup version, but it is exactly that- cheap and nasty. I've always wondered what it'd sound like- I used Concorde jet enginesounds on mine!
How ironic, I Just posted towards you asking where you got the model on a year old post of yours.. :hehe:
P.S It did sound like a jet engine basiclly, as I posted on that other forum, just search for railworks videos of it..
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