saving in surveyor


New member
I am trying to work ( adapt ) the " tidewater route " in surveyor and I save bits as I do and test them, then go back and carry on, however if I come out of the game completely when I next go in all my saves ( and hours of work ) are gone ? This cannot be right surely ? So at the moment I have to complete all my changes in one sitting or I lose it. Once its saved in Driver its ok and stays there but not in surveyor, can anyone tell me how to save work in surveyor. By the way I'm a railway modeller not a computer genius, so please no jargon just step by step on what to do.
2006? Do you have the auto save function enabled?
Do you save under a different name? That often helps, to save as a new map.

Saving in Surveyor

Don't know if I quite understand your problem. When you save something in Driver, you are saving your state of progress while running a session, are you not? - entirely different from saving a route or a session.

In Surveyor you have several save options - you can select Save or Save As from the Surveyor Menu in the upper left corner. Also, if you exit Suveyor or if you click on the driver icon to temporarily go into Driver to test what you have done, you get a small box with a question about saving. In that box, you can select Don't Save, Save, or Cancel. If you click on Don't Save, you do indeed lose everything you have done when you leave the program.

If you click on Save you get another small box asking whether you want to overwrite what you already have or give it a new name.

You cannot change the Tidewater route that comes with TRS 2006 - I think. I always use Save As and give a variation on the name just so I will be sure that it will save. Any route you save will disploay with a "c" after it. Also, any session you write for it or for any of the included routes will show a "c" in front of its name.

Oops on Saving in Surveyor

Sorry about that. You can change any route or session that comes with TRS. It's just that the unchanged original route and sessions will still be there. Any saved changes will be in a version marked with a "c" - again, I think. I've never tried to save a variation on a TRS-included route or session, but always give it a slightly different name.

Saving in Surveyor

Thanks guys, I have sorted it now, it was because I have " Windows Vista " and I needed to click on as Administrator otherwise it does not carry out my requests. by the way i think vista is crap compared to what i thought was easy XP, !!
It stands for eXPerience, though in my case it means eXtra Pain, nuclear meltdowns galore with this system:rolleyes:.

Thanks guys, I have sorted it now, it was because I have " Windows Vista " and I needed to click on as Administrator otherwise it does not carry out my requests. by the way i think vista is crap compared to what i thought was easy XP, !!

Thanks Dzien, I had exactly the same problem and you helped me fix it. I could not save changes to a newroute and have Trainz save the changes when I exited the program.

The "run as admin" worked for me too. I prefer XP

I don't know where it is

Where do you go to to be an Administraitor on "Windows Vista"
because when I close the program the created routes are deleted too