Running Number with Letters

Is there any way to put letters in front of engines with autorunning numbers? For example: UP 1234. Just wondering. Thanks.
you could just assign the letters as textures that dont change. another way is to script it, yet another way is to define it as another running number with different textures for the numbers...

for instance, youd have the regular digit 3,4,5 and 6 defined, and put digits 1,2 defined as letters (in this case you could only use 10 though).

if you are not a content creator you probably have no idea what any of that means. the easiest way would be to just have the letters on the main texture in front of where the running numbers go.
I am not much of a content creator, but i do have gimp installed and a
Have very VERY basic knowledge of reskinning. One thing i dont know to do is add text to skins. What would the easiest way to put text in a basic font onto a engine with gimp? Thanks.