Route merging


New member
Hi all

So I merged two routes together this morning and did some work on them ect. I came back to it earlier only to find that all the scenery and track etc had gone all that was left was the ground paint.......

not sure what I have done wrong?

so in
I haven't personally been aware of any issues on that front for T:ANE although I would suggest checking what you are saving (I have a tutorial on doing it in TS12 which is very similar in T:ANE in the Tutorial List thread in my signature).

:) Thanks Shayne for,

I didn't know you had this, and it shows exactly what I have in T:ANE with these type errors and warnings, ironically this week I have been working on my Faulty Assets!

Now I should be able to save some assets that I probably would have deleted for lack of Knowledge.

:wave: It's great to have you here helping out!
This to me sounds like a layer issue.

Ensure you merge in all the layers including those sub-layers should you have any.