Rotating AI Drivers


New member
Hi all,

Is it possible to allocate AI Drivers to a building ( Like a Drivers bothy) in order to rotate them?

Notion came into my head after a successful 24 hour AI Driver test. I realised that The same people drove the same trains all the way through. Since I don't want a visit from the N3v ASLEF LDC rep, I'm having thoughts about Driver Diagrams.

Anyone else done this?

Or have I overthought this as usual?

Hi Donald

What about using a stretch of invisible track with one or more invisible locos on it? You could position it in or near the building and allocate the drivers to the invisible locos moving them into and out of the actual locos with the "MoveToLoco" driver command.


Place some invisible track beneath a building and place any driveable asset (a small car for example) on the track. Name each car for example as D1, D2, D3 etc and these can then be your drivers rest room locations.
Thank you, I didn't know that was possible.

May have made a rod for my own back though. Have gone from 2 drivers to 8 for the full service. :)

You can use the move driver to command and select one of the cars, but you will erase any driver commands he may have left. If you place TM's before the cars (need to be spaced well apart and use min radius on TM) you can use move to train at TM command, this will keep any future driver commands he has.