Road traffic.


New member
Is there any way to delete certain cars/vehicles from the AI? My route is based in western Maine in the 1960s. These 1959 Caddy lowriders may have been appropriate to southern Cal back then but they are most definitely out of place in Maine.

Also. Is there a way to limit what traffic runs on certain roads? Greyhound busses are never seen on dirt roads through mountains and traffic does not stop at gated private roads. (Like roads through railroad yards)
Yes, individual cars can be deleted.

You can copy the list of cars from the config file to 'Notepad' as a reference.

Then look at each kuid and match it to whatever car it happens to be.

Mark those you want to delete in 'Notepad'. Then edit the config file deleting those you want
off the route. Make sure when you finish that the list of cars in config start with car0 and
increment consecutively. Missing a number will cause problems.

As to roads, either you have traffic or you don't. There is no way to specify what
traffic travels on specific roads.

If you don't want inappropriate traffic on certain roads, replace that road with a road
that has zero traffic. You can clone a road and edit the config to create the same road
with, or without, traffic.

It's a bit of work. I spent several evenings with the problem. I now have 40 vehicle of
my choosing traveling around the railroad.

You can actually specify the direction of travel to create one-way roads.

Clone one of the roads you want to use so you can make your own copy.

Open the asset for editing in Windows Explorer.

Change the Username (the name that's listed in Content Manager and in Surveyor).

Add in or change the following tag from 0 to 1 (one).

isfreeway 0 ====== > change to 1

Save the config.txt
Close Notepad
Close the folders

And you now have a one-way street.

I've done this myself to create a rotary (roundabout), and streets to run along two sides of a park.

It's important to note that the roads need to be laid down in the opposite direction of travel.
