Reducing Glare of "White" Objects in T:ANE


In T:ANE, I've noticed that white-colored objects have a really horrible glare. Railcars look unrealistic, buildings lose their textures. I'm guessing others have noticed this... Any suggestions on how to tone down the sun? I've tried changing the clouds, weather, etc, but it's still excessive.

As a side question, I use to use the "angle guide" asset heavily to build my turnouts and yard ladders, plus align items and keep long tangents of tracks straight. This asset is broke in T:ANE and unfixable (to me, with my skill set). Has anyone found a good replacement? Thanks!
ive experimented with trying to fix this and the best i could do is change all the ambient lighting to grey along with the sun color in edit environment. i like the result.
I changed my time-of-day in Surveyor to be about 11:30 instead of noon while working. The lighting is a bit less harsh and white objects don't look like bleached sheets and pillow cases. :)
