Re-skinning Items


New member
Please could you explain to me, in very simple terms, how I can re-skin objects in surveyor mode (TRS2004).

I know this may seem a dumb question to ask, but I am very inexperienced in these matters.

Thankyou! :)
You can't re-skin objects "in-game". What you can do is download a free resource called dxtbmp. Flight Sim re-skinners use this a lot, and it works in Trainz too. What you do is you find the files you wish to re-skin, open them up in dxtbmp and then send them to your paint editor (MS Paint, Adobe Photoshop etc.) You do all the necessary painting and stuff in there then when you are finished, save it and click 'Reload After Edit' in dxtbmp. You then save your work in there. Sometimes you have to experiment with different formats (eg Targa with Alpha, DXT1) if you get just a white texture showing as it is usually to do with alpha channels not being assigned properly.

If you need more help, let me know and I will try and dig out some info for you.

Best wishes,
The wikibook has a tutorial on reskinning it's for TC but TRS2004 isn't that much different. The difference for TRS2004 is you need to locate the folder for the kuid first then copy this into world\custom-\folder first and change the kuid manually to one of your own other than that it is the same.

It also lists free and commercial software such as that works for reskinning giving some pros and cons on each.

I must confess I've done a fair number of reskins but I've never used dxtbmp I just edited the .tga and .bmp files directly, is here any advantage?

Cheerio John