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A whimsical drift here, but... In the UK physical railway modelling seems to be on the decline. In the past month or two one of the big exhibitions has been cancelled and a major retailer of railway models has run down the curtain and is singin' with the choir -invisible. I will be visiting the annual ModelRail Exhibition in Glasgow in a couple of weeks' time, but I have certainly noticed in past years the trend towards it being the preserve of older men (very few older women). On railtours the same demographic is manifest... the Greybeards and Pensioners' express, next stop Pearly Gate Central. All of which begs the question - is the station clock ticking down the demise of railway (railroad if you prefer) enthusiasm? Will the crossing gates swing shut as the last lantern splutters into darkness? Or is virtual modelling (as per TRAINZ) defying the trend and carrying the paraffin lamp of modelling, and the concomitant love of the iron road, to the next generation?