QR Block Limit Boards


New member
Hi All!

Has anyone who models Queensland Railways attempted to construct a Direct Traffic Control (DTC) Block Limit Board yet? I have been unable to find one on the Download Station.:mad:

I'm slowely building a layout on the QR's Newlands / McNaughton system and require them for the Newlands branch. They will be used for aesthetics purposes only, but would make a nice touch of realism to the layout.:)

Amen mate, believe me - I hear ya. Sadly, its a problem with GMAX. It will not allow three 'name' boards on it. I've taken extensive shots of these boards in hopes they could be made, but creators I've spoken with say it's a no-go event. Its really dissapointing, as these *would* truly add to a QR rural route.

I guess Trailable Facing Points Indicators are also to complicated?! Have not seen any of these around either!

Guess one can keep dreaming!;)

Ah, in that, I may have an answer for you *soon* :) I have a creator friend, who maybe working on just that particular item for my new route - but I hope he will make them available to all when they're done :) And g'day Bruce I'll send you some pictures I took of the QR DTC boards in question (an example there of!
Amen mate, believe me - I hear ya. Sadly, its a problem with GMAX. It will not allow three 'name' boards on it. I've taken extensive shots of these boards in hopes they could be made, but creators I've spoken with say it's a no-go event. Its really dissapointing, as these *would* truly add to a QR rural route.
Why not make it in 3 pieces then and put togeather in suveyor?

QR DTC block limit sign shall be hopefully renamable in two sections & uploaded soonish.

Plus for you Mulie, a catch point indicator based on the type QR use is on the cards.

