Problems with TRS2006


New member
Ok, let me just give you the entire story here...
I bought TRS2006 back in 2006, and downloaded it on my old computer and made an account on the download station, using my serial number for that game. I later uninstalled the game on my old computer, to not even use it until about 2 weeks ago, when I installed TRS2006 on my new computer. I wanted to get some custom trains for the game, so I tried to get on the download station, but realized I needed my serial number, so I never found it and I emailed the Helpdesk and to make a long story short, it took me 2 weeks to finally get my old account with my serial number back. Just last night I got it, so I was excited, and I downloaded some stuff from the download station, and installed it using the Custom Content program. About the 2nd asset I downloaded, The CCP crashed, and I tried to restart it to no avail. Now, I cant get either my Trainz 2006 game to start, OR the CCP. I even tried reinstalling it, getting the same result. Can someone PLEASE tell me what is going on! I am tired of having so many problems with this game. :'(
Also, I have a brand new windows 7 for anyone needing to know.
For 2006 on Win 7 you need to set compatibility to WIN xp sp 2.
Also what build number is your 2006, needs to be 3092 or 3337. You can patch up to these.
Patching needs to be done from a clean instal that's not been opened.
Well I know the game worked on this same PC before, it just stopped working last night, but i'll try what you suggested, also, do you set the actual TRS2006 application to the XP setting, or the launcher thing?
I did what you said, and I set the TRS2006 application (the one you see when you go into Program Files>Auran>TRS2006) to XP service pack 2, and it still does the same thing, when I click on my shortcut on my desktop, and I click start, the button turns green, and then freezes...
R/click on your desktop shortcut, select properties, then compatibility. Check that xp sp2 is selected and ticked.
What build is it on the opening screen.
I tried reinstalling again, and for some weird reason, it now works. Thanks for the help anyways :D
Ok, it worked when I first started trainz after I reinstalled it, and then I opened the Content Manager, and it worked for a minute, and then it froze, I had to close out of it, now Trainz wont work again! What the heck is going on!!! :'(
Check your drivers. Trainz 2006 requires a robust OpenGL installation to work properly.
Ok, it worked when I first started trainz after I reinstalled it, and then I opened the Content Manager, and it worked for a minute, and then it froze, I had to close out of it, now Trainz wont work again! What the heck is going on!!! :'(

Re my earlier post, what build number does it show on the opening screen, bottom right of the screen.
Check your drivers. Trainz 2006 requires a robust OpenGL installation to work properly.

I already said that it worked for about 3 weeks until I ran into the problem I am having now with the Custom Content Manager, so that wouldn't be the problem.
And to fran1, it doesn't show any numbers whatsoever on the launcher screen.