Problems with the Forums


33 Year Old Railfan
I suddenly had problems connecting to the forums beginning around 11:00 EST until about 6:25 EST. Was anyone having similar problems?
Quite a few were aware of the issue, however it's not my place to mention what caused the issue. All I will say is the issue was out of N3V's control.

.............. however it's not my place to mention what caused the issue. All I will say is the issue was out of N3V's control.


You may have been better off not adding that part. It will give fodder to all sorts of conspiracy theorists, perhaps even some harkening back to The Great Forum Crash of 2006
Same with me.

After the forums were online again.
Firefox wouldn't load a single thread.
So I switched to Safari for now.

I suffered the exact same issue. It seems to be working now, however. Running Firefox now.

I was wondering why I couldn't access the forums earlier.. glad to see I wasn't the only one.

Quite a few were aware of the issue, however it's not my place to mention what caused the issue. All I will say is the issue was out of N3V's control.

All I will say is, I hope they have the IP address. And if it came from this country, let me know and I'll go pull his ears through his backside. Good luck N3V, hope its under control now.
All I will say is, I hope they have the IP address. And if it came from this country, let me know and I'll go pull his ears through his backside. Good luck N3V, hope its under control now.

I was thinking the same, Ian. DLS and forums were down all day for me.

Same here john. I went to go and post a screenshot for Screenshot of the Week, only to find that everything was down for Trainz.
Come on the servers must been having one hell of a work out and peak loading dealing with all the people trying to get the new release. This happens for the first few weeks everytime time a new version hits the streets. The forums will also go nutso for a few weeks
Actually this time around it was a spam attack on a little used website for one of our old mobile games that happened to be on the same server as the forums. Our provider kindly shutdown the whole server but we had it back up in a couple of hours.