problems with built-in content


Evening all, I'd like to ask if anyone has some advice on a problem thats been bugging me for the last couple days. One of the built-in assets by Auran, redcorona, KUID -25:761 was fine till a couple days ago when i installed three more K&L Trainz steam engines. When i installed the K&L PRR J1, this particular asset somehow got open for edit, and can't be committed or reverted, and the updated version somehow is not downloading through CMP. I did an extended database repair yesterday, but to no avail. Any ideas how to fix this?
Database repair did not work, and it can't be deleted in Trainz 12 CMP because its built-in. I checked again and its saying there's a texture error that the red corona texture can't be found. It won't let me commit or revert to original either.
Not sure if you've tried it yet, but go into the folder you installed Trainz to, then into UserData followed by Editing. Once in there, delete the folder that has the name of the asset that is refusing to behave.

Once done, do a database repair.

Do the addons work?

Shane, thanks, i will try that soon. I've lost interest in Trainz largely because of these attacks that
have been going on all over and the rude people that seem to be allowed free reign to do whatever they want.
I still remember when these forums used to be a good place, but it seems all thats changed now.
Well that cured the edit problem but now i can't download the updated version that its requiring. I'm going to order TANE soon anyway so right now i am not very worried about it.
Well that cured the edit problem but now i can't download the updated version that its requiring. I'm going to order TANE soon anyway so right now i am not very worried about it.

Well that's good. One problem solved...

You still have problems with the built-ins, John?