Problem with VERY slow and laggy Trainz 2012


New member
Hey guys, I disappeared for a while because my hard drive crashed a few months ago :n:. I was unable to backup any files, so I had to start fresh from the beginning (two years of hard work down the toilet :'(). Now, the problem I have is that I downloaded a fresh re-install of trainz 2012, but when I try to access surveyor mode, it will be so laggy and slow as to freeze up every two seconds, and when I toggle around, it moves as though I have no RAM. (The computer company that fixed my computer only replaced my hard drive.) Also, my computer worked perfectly fine with trainz before the crash. Anywho, any help to this problem is greatly appreciated!

Hi Alex,

It's truly sucky when things like that happen! I had it happen to myself a couple of times with one mess up being my own doings. Having a backup is the best so once you get your Trainz installed, copy the whole shebang to an external drive so you don't lose it again.


Do you recall which version you have installed? You see this when you start Trainz and you have the Start, and Options screen. If you have 61388, then you've patched up to SP1 Hot Fix 4. What is most likely happening is if you downloaded and download content previously, such as some Jointed Rail stuff from Simulator Central, your game is now validating and checking the assets after they have installed. Let this run and not do anything else on the PC for a couple of hours at least. Once this is done, you should be good to go.

If you still have problems, let us know.

Hi Alex,

It's truly sucky when things like that happen! I had it happen to myself a couple of times with one mess up being my own doings. Having a backup is the best so once you get your Trainz installed, copy the whole shebang to an external drive so you don't lose it again.


Do you recall which version you have installed? You see this when you start Trainz and you have the Start, and Options screen. If you have 61388, then you've patched up to SP1 Hot Fix 4. What is most likely happening is if you downloaded and download content previously, such as some Jointed Rail stuff from Simulator Central, your game is now validating and checking the assets after they have installed. Let this run and not do anything else on the PC for a couple of hours at least. Once this is done, you should be good to go.

If you still have problems, let us know.


I currently have build 46957, and I have re-installed some payware and freeware content from JR, so I think you could have nailed this problem...

To check if Trainz is doing anything in the background go into Options on the Launch screen, then the Developer tab. Click in the show database process windows if it is not already ticked. This will show an application running in the task bar at the bottom of the screen. Clicking on it will show what TadDaemon is doing and in particular if it is validating anything. Also after closing down Trainz make sure the processes shown have all closed down before you shut down your computer, failure to do so will result in a database repair which can take some considerable time to complete.
Thanks guys, but I'm still having the same troubles. There is no sign of TADDaemon showing that it is/was validating files. I have let the program sit for a while, and have also tried patching above 49922, as that is what I now currently have now, but all the patches have failed to download whether done automatic or manual. I also tried re-installing DirectX 9c...

Here's something too, my computer worked fine with Trainz before my hard drive failure... but here:
-HP Pavilion desktop
-Processor - AMD A8-3800 APU with Radeon HD graphics 2.40GHz
-Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
-BRAND NEW 1 TB hard drive

I had the same problem when i installed it the first time , i thought the problem were my specs so i took 2009 again.

After a while i trided it again and it runs now smootly build 61388
Hmmmm, I've tried to patch to 61388, but all the patch downloads above 49922 have failed (I've tried auto and manual).

Hmmmm, I've tried to patch to 61388, but all the patch downloads above 49922 have failed (I've tried auto and manual).


Couple of things, Alex.

Your first problem here. The patch takes a really, really, really long time to run. I surely hope you didn't cancel anything in the middle.

Regarding your machine... With an ATI video card, ensure you are using DirectX and not Open/GL for the graphics. This is set in the options screen when your first start Trainz.

Couple of things, Alex.

Your first problem here. The patch takes a really, really, really long time to run. I surely hope you didn't cancel anything in the middle.

Regarding your machine... With an ATI video card, ensure you are using DirectX and not Open/GL for the graphics. This is set in the options screen when your first start Trainz.


I have not cancelled any patches, its just that the auran patcher says "patch download failed" (I let it run without interrupting it or using my PC until after it said that), and my browser will never complete the download because of some "network failure" (yes, the internet works fine without interruptions). And yes, I use DirectX 9c.

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I have not cancelled any patches, its just that the auran patcher says "patch download failed" (I let it run without interrupting it or using my PC until after it said that), and my browser will never complete the download because of some "network failure" (yes, the internet works fine without interruptions). And yes, I use DirectX 9c.


Okay, whew! This is not related to not being able to patch, but more of an internet server issue. It may by on N3Vs end. Maybe Shane Turner can chip in here.

Anyway getting back to the video... Remember to use DirectX as that works best with ATI video cards.

Don't worry - it's only a couple of simple commands I need you to run.

Firstly, open it up, then enter the following command followed by Enter:


The results from that will help ascertain whether your system is able to connect to the patch server.

Post back with the results from that command (if you wish to do it using screenshots, you will need to upload it to a photo hosting site before you can post the link here).

Don't worry - it's only a couple of simple commands I need you to run.

Firstly, open it up, then enter the following command followed by Enter:


The results from that will help ascertain whether your system is able to connect to the patch server.

Post back with the results from that command (if you wish to do it using screenshots, you will need to upload it to a photo hosting site before you can post the link here).


Here are the results:


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=66ms TTL=58
Reply from bytes=32 time=64ms TTL=58
Reply from bytes=32 time=63ms TTL=58
Reply from bytes=32 time=77ms TTL=58

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 63ms, Maximum = 77ms, Average = 67ms
I'm assuming you clicked Yes/Unblock for that one in that case.

Next check is what's known as a traceroute. Can I check whether you are using Windows XP (or earlier) or Windows Vista/7/8/8.1?
