Problem with AI Trains at Station.


Hi, Can anyone explain this problem. I have built a route, and installed
AJS Invisible Stations. When an AI train runs, this is what happens. Train
leaves Terminus and calls at first station, train stops, loads, then waits
10 seconds, then proceeds to next station. When the train arrives there,
it stops OK, but then ignores the load instruction and the wait for instruction
and carries on down the track. (The AI instuctions are 'Call At......., Load, and wait for
10 seconds') This only happens at this station. When I tried an identical train, starting
it at 1/2 mile before the station, it worked perfectly, but when the train from the
terminus was tried again, the same problem happened. I'm baffled.
ok how big is the train you have stoping at the station as if it's bigger then the station the AI's will stuff up not always but most time they will if the train it about 1 car bigger then the station it should be fine anymore then you'll start geting problems thats what i have found out with them
There are known issues with the AJS Invisible Stations, which N3V are aware of and will hopefully fix in the next patch.

I've given up with the invisible stations for now just using trackmarks for AI, avoids the train skipping stations etc, plus with the number of stations I have that are on gradients and curves it's pretty much impossible to get the passengers at the correct height at both ends and the middle without messing up the track. Ever tried to delete an invisible station? firstly couldn't get them to delete without deleting in CM and then it left bits behind like the spline eraser, that's in TS12. Think if I want loading and unloading passengers I'm going to have to think outside the box! Custom built efforts I guess.