Powerstation coal consumption Maths


Diesel Madman
hi all and you clever fellas out there i need some accreate powerstation coal consumption figs rounded down to 30 seconds

here are some clues a powerstion gets through 5,000,000 tons of coal a year

a bit of maths round down months,week,day,hour,minute,seconds

High Marnham MW 945
West Burton MW1,932
Ratcliffe MW 2,000
Drax MW 3,870
Didcot A MW 2,020
Cottam MW 1,970
Eggborough MW 1,960
Ferrybridge C MW 1,955

the information will alow me to run MGR trains accreatly to a real powerstation timetable and due to the fact i building a route which has a fair few powerstations

5,000,000 per year
416,666·66 per month (year ÷ by 12)
95,890·41 per week (7 days)
13,698·63 per day (non leap year)
570·776 per hour
9·5 per minute
0·15833333333 per second
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The following is data of coal consumtion of 2 different, real 500MW coal fired power plants, one burns 225 tons/hour at peak and the other burns 160 tons/hour at peak. Using an average of 200 tons/hour of coal for a 500 MW plant at peak I get the following for my assumed schedule of loads:
8 hrs at peak=8*200=1600 tons
8 hrs a 1/2 peak=8*100=800 tons
8 hrs a 1/4 peak=8*50=400 tons
So my averaged 500 MW power plant will use 2800 tons of coal/day or 5.6 tons/day/MW. You can estimate coal consumtion for each of you listed coal plants by multiplying the MW capacity of each by 5.6 to get the tons per day.
