Portals return empty consists


New member
I want a portal to emit consists already loaded, ie. with general goods.

If I create a consist with loaded flat cars and then have the portal emit that consist it appears unloaded. If however I use say, the already loaded coal wagons consist included with 2006 it works correctly.

There must be a secret way of creating a loaded consist which works this way, can anyone tell me how it's done please?

KayTee :confused:
The portal can produce loaded cars in 2 ways.
1. Create a consist of loaded cars in surveyor and save the consist.
Select the 'edit properties' ? or press P
Left click the portal
Select 'Produce new trains'
Select 'Add new consist'
Select 'Add an existing saved consist' (you previously created loaded consist)

2. Select the 'edit properties' ? or press P
Left click the portal
Select 'Produce new trains'
Select 'consume trains'
Select to return the trains loaded

The portal can produce loaded cars in 2 ways.
1. Create a consist of loaded cars in surveyor and save the consist.
Select the 'edit properties' ? or press P
Left click the portal
Select 'Produce new trains'
Select 'Add new consist'
Select 'Add an existing saved consist' (you previously created loaded consist)

2. Select the 'edit properties' ? or press P
Left click the portal
Select 'Produce new trains'
Select 'consume trains'
Select to return the trains loaded


The first option won't work as consists saved in surveyor do not retain the load settings. These consists are stored in a text file called "surveyorconsists.txt" which is in the "Settings" folder of you Trainz installation. If you look in there you will find the consist configuration but no mention of whether the items are loaded or not!

The second option will work.

Another option is to download a driver command called "InstantLoad" from the DLS (kuid2:11729:1017:1) although this is for TRS2006 only. If this is the first command that your driver is issued with then you will effectively have a loaded consist.

In my first option I meant to make a consist of load cars. There are a number different rolling stock items that come as empty or loaded versions. So a consist of loaded cars should work with the portal. Although, I've never tried it.:D


You're correct, a consist of cars that are created as loaded will work (i.e. set-up by the content creator as loaded) :)

What won't work is creating a consist of cars and then editing the properties of the cars to set their load state. Surveyor won't save this load information. :(

Apologies for the misunderstanding.



Many thanks Bob & Maggs for the information. As a 'virtual (railroad) virgin' I was struggling and getting frustrated trying to solve this one.

Your advice has me working in 'Content Creator' and trying things I wouldn't have dared before.

No doubt my next cry for help will be when I get too adventurous and manage to trash something vital! Backups are taken regularly.

Once again guys, thankyou for your help.

KayTee :)
The TRS2006 InstantLoad driver command (InstantLoad kuid:117290:1017) lets you add a driver command to a portal produced consist of empties to come out of the portal fully loaded. You no longer have to use the method that I posted above.

Usint the Interactive Flat car - If its is loaded when it goes in, it will come out unloaded.

If is is empty when it goes in, it will return loaded with its first load point of objects. As long as you set the trailer ( using the ? button) and pick the commodity at the time you create and save the consist.

I found that if you modify the config file and force a specific commondiy to be the one "re-loaded" each time it works great. Otherwise it seems to ramdomly pick some of the general goods commodities