Please help!!!


New member
I know this has been covered and Ive been searching and tring for days now to download routes and play them on TRS06. All I want to do is pull a heavy 4 unit coal train or stack train or frieght train. You get the point. I have windows vista on a HP computer. Im at the point now I cANT even get trains to launch. Do I need to reinstall and if I do what needs to be done so I dont get URL register key thing and be able DL routes and use them. Your help would be greatly appreciated. I even Emailed Auran no response. Thanks!!
This is a fairly simple thing to fix: go to the desktop, right-click on the Trainz icon on the desktop, and selece "run as adminiatrator" from the pop-up menu.

Everything should work fine after that! :wave:
I did that with no luck And now did something to were it wont even launch. Thank for the reply. Any other suggestions.

Where is the Trainzoptions.txt file? I cant seem to locate it.

When found where and in what form do you type in the -intro=disable

Sorry if this is a "dumb" question. I am having the same problems as clay516.

Thanks a lot

OK uninstalled TRS Now I have read that there is some proceduers to do when installing. Or should I just install? Thanks!!
Thanks for the reply. I think Im gettig a grip on this. How exactly do I DL the sevice pack. When I go on there I want the International English right? But what do I click on to down load it. It doesnt say download anywhere.
If you go to the main Auran Games site, then Trainz 2006, then choose the "downloads" green tab on the left hand menu, then "service packs" you should see a choice of servers to download from (in underlined red text). Clicking one of these should start the download.

There are also some instructions to read.

It's most important to run the service pack after doing a fresh re-install of 2006 that you have not even opened! Be warned that it takes a long time (I mean a LOOOOOOOONG time) for the service pack to upgrade the installation-you will probably think it's stopped working. Go out for an hour or two and forget it, do something else, then come back and look!
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So if I click on the Auran thats high lighted there are two of them and at least one other thing thats high lighted. Any one will work? I cant thank u guys enough.
Alright guys followed all instructions now how do I play a downloaded route? Downloaded clovis sub off this forum. If I click on it on the desk top unable to url key comes up:confused: Build is 3092 why why cant I get this to work???
4 days and counting no coal trains no stack trains no new routes all I get is unable registry key. Uninstaalled reinstalled followed procedure still nothing. Im ready to give up.

It sounds like you have not installed either TRS2006 or the service pack correctly, or you do not have administrator (or other) rights that allow you to install software. With the service pack, are you sure it downloaded and installed correctly?

If you have installed TRS2006 correctly, when you download a route, it should either automatically open up Content Manager Plus, or if the file had the extension .cdp (i.e. you downloaded it from an external site, not the Download Station), you will have to double click on it which should also open up CMP. CMP will then find all the dependencies that are available on the Download Station, but be warned, there may still be missing content as a lot of route builders use items that are not on the DLS.

Before you rush into downloaded routes make sure you can run the default installed routes first, to check that your installation and service pack are working ok.

A route will only appear in Driver if you have added a train to it in Surveyor, have you done this?

Is the route you are attempting to run a route for TRS2006? It could be for another edition? Also you may not have all the components installed-many routes etc require much more than you at first realise in the way of included content, often from other third party sites.

Not clear what you are saying about clicking on the desktop-do you mean you cannot open Trainz, if so go back to my first point above-and make sure you have followed the instructions to install the service pack in an unopened installation of 2006, then test that it works. Many people have to re do this stage to make sure you have a bug free (well, working) setup, before you get involved with downloaded new stuff.
OK After I reinstalled and it was over trainz opened up. The 1st page. Is this OK. And I can see the routes on my desk top. If I double click them it goes to content manager after url registy comes up twice. It wasnt doing that this morning before I tried all day to get it to work. So Im going uninstall and start over. Do I need to do anythig else to completely rid my computer of trainz? When I downloaded some routes my CMP wasnt reconizing it. And thank you for the help!!