Please Help!! Level Crossings, how do you modify the distance ....


How would you go about modifying the distance from a level crossing as to where the train triggers the bells/arms on the crossing? Is there a way to change the default values so you can specify how far out from the crossing the train is activating the bells/arms?
Please PLEASE show us, I am trying to find how to do this as in Germany railway crossings go down much earlier than in America.


P.S. Please...
level crossings

Hi WileeCoyote,

Here is one way to avoid the crossing from operating while the train is loading at the station. The first pic is in surveyor so you can see the invisible track and invisible points. Note the default direction of the points is towards the deadend track, therefore the signal will stay red until the points change.

The next pic is in driver with the train still loading at the station.

Next the train has finished loading and is ready to continue to it's next destination. To force the points to change you may need a trackmark not too far beyond the crossing and give the driver a command to drive via this trackmark.

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

Hope this helps,
@Bill69 - This works well when you want to shorten the trigger distance (e.g. for stations adjacent to a crossing (though in the UK at least the crossing would close anyway)), but I think WileeCoyote is looking to extend the distance so the barriers go down earlier. I have worked out a way to do this, but it's so awkward to implement that I hesitate to try to explain...

But, as you asked nicely, I will try...

You will need:

AJS Traffic Controller
Trigger Check rule
Set Switch Rule
A Level Crossing of your choice (preferably one that adjusts to the attached track.
An invisible points lever.


Place your crossing.
Lay the track through it, BUT DO NOT ATTACH IT. It should only look connected.
Place an AJS traffic controller nearby, one for each track through the crossing.
From the tree end of the AJS traffic controller, lay a short length of track, then from the end of this form a junction with 2 short branches. Place the switch on this junction and give it a meaningful name. From the right hand branch, join this to one of the crossing tracks with invisible track. Repeat for each crossing track.
Place a trigger on the approach and exit of each track of the crossing. Give them meaningful names. Reduce the trigger radius if desired (advanced tab - 3rd icon). These will be the triggers for the crossing.

Session data:
Go to the session rules icon at the top of the screen, and add the following rule for each track:
Check trigger rule - select the approach trigger (lower gates).
Set Switch rule - Set the switch for the AJS traffic controller connected to the appropriate track to point to the RH branch.
Check Trigger rule - select the clear trigger (raise gates)
Set Switch rule - Set the same switch to point left.

Repeat this for each track through the crossing.

All of the above assumes that each track is single direction. Bi-directional working is possible, but probably even harder. I think it will need a set trigger with a large radius in the middle of the crossing, and two clear triggers (one each end) with very small radii just outside the radius of the middle trigger. It should then work...

As you will have noticed, much of this is contained in session data, so it is vital to provide a base session if you upload a map using this technique.

I hope this helps... I realise it's very complex, but it does work, and work well!

Please ask if there is anything that isn't clear - If I have time I may post some pics...

Ive been looking for a set switch rule for sometime. Where did you get yours as cant see it on DLS? Ive got an awkward level crossing that i need to get built by someone and have managed to use your method to operate a smaller crossing the way i want. Your method for future crossing builders would only need two invisible tracks next to the gates/barriers which would mean that the crossings could be laid on curves and at angles without restriction. Dont think you need to connect to each crossing track, one will do. I lay invisible track from one crossing track to a junction. one branch contains nothing and the lever is set to that branch which opens the crossing to traffic. the other branch has a loco, this can be anything including AJS tree loco. When trigger changes lever the crossing will close to traffic.
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@Stagecoach - you're right, you don't need to connect to both crossing tracks. You do, however, need to detect trains on each track individually, otherwise you could get odd effects if a train in one direction leaving the crossing opens the gates when another train is halfway across.

Oh, and it's switch junctions, 122381:10010:1 by Mizi on the DLS - sorry for the confusion...


Hi Paul,

Yes although WileeCoyote did not say whether he wanted to lengthen or shorten the distance the crossing operates at I thought my method may help anyone else who wants to keep crossing gates open to traffic while the train is in the station. BTW Have you noticed that most crossing gates do not operate when the train is not in camera shot? Quite frequently if I click on a different driver and he happens to be on a crossing I find the train is going through the gates. This also applies to animated siding gates.


Thanks for the description of how to do this, but is it possible you could show some pics with the steps? What I am trying to do is get a gate crossing to go down when the train is about 1000M away and go up when its 300M away, this is how the system works on a railway I work on ( for more info).

Hi Paul,

Yes although WileeCoyote did not say whether he wanted to lengthen or shorten the distance the crossing operates at I thought my method may help anyone else who wants to keep crossing gates open to traffic while the train is in the station. BTW Have you noticed that most crossing gates do not operate when the train is not in camera shot? Quite frequently if I click on a different driver and he happens to be on a crossing I find the train is going through the gates. This also applies to animated siding gates.


@Bill69 - Yes, it was well worth your drawing everyone's attention to that method. I hadn't noticed that phenomenon - I'll keep a look out...

@WileeCoyote - I'll have a go at preparing something. The actual distances are immaterial (I hope). I've used this method mostly to make crossings with non-standard angles and curves for a modern tramway I'm building. Example below...

I'll post here again when I have something...

There is another way for triggers to do the job if someone did a rule for it. There is already a rule for multiple triggers setting a signal to red when a train is detected by any of the selected triggers. If someone could change this so it set a lever instead of a signal you could place triggers on all track around the crossing so it activated the lever on detection of any train in either direction.
That would be perfect. Obviously the rule would have to switch the points back when all triggers were clear, but I can't see that that is all that difficult. It would certainly simplify matters.

OK, this is the (hopefully) illuminating image to go with my explanation above...

Hope this helps...
