PEV's Tools - Imagegs 2TGA etc



A long time ago I saw this instruction on the forum, so copied, saved, and used it.

"After downloading version 1.15 of, unzip it then run it to install the software and to automatically add an
Images2TGA.bat file in your TS12\bin\CMPData\tools\OpenWith folder. To use the utility find the asset you want to convert in CM, right click it and select Open with Images2TGA.bat and all files of the type xxx.texture will be converted into two files, xxx.tga and xxx.texture.txt."

I still have it and use v1.27 in Ts12 if I have to correct textures in any Ts12 asset. Just go to > CM >highlight the asset
>right click >and a little menu comes up. >’open with’ and click on the one you want and away it goes. Textures all fixed. Quick and Fast..

The PEV programs I put in there are


Now I have TANE, I can not find a bin file in TANE to try to replicate this. Is there anyone out there who knows how to set it up in TANE? Texture fixing is an absolute necessary when trying to bring Ts12 routes in to TANE and the above makes a difficult and time wasting task easy. It should not be like that.
I cant fix texture problems any more or get Images2TGA to work in TANE so if TANE is suppose to be backwards compatible we should be able to easily put Ts12 routes into TANE but that is not what happens. Its a texture disaster.
To make this easier. then the automated way as described above is a necessity. Manually trying to fix textures is just too cumbersome. N3V can obviously do it as some of the stuff they bring forward to TANE is OK but what about the Ts12 routes? Even the inbuilts ?
Shane Turner, John Citron, other experts, any comment or instructions on how to do it?
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At the moment, N3V are dragging their feet with CM in T:ane. There is no 'openwith' facility in CM at the moment like many things that aren't there yet. Make your changes in TS12 before importing the files. Remember, you only need to update to trainzbuild 3.5

Things not there:-

Probably more, when they aggravate me I remember them.

I have never published my tools in zip file form. I use an installer builder to create .exe file installers. The tool mentioned in the post above is NOT an original PEVSoft release.....
From memory, there is only one PEVSoft tool in ZIP file form on my tutorial website (as the files on my site are direct from PEV) and that's the command line version of Texture2TGA (the predecessor of Images2TGA) so I'm also rather puzzled as well.

Incidentally, I don't even have a 1.15 version of that tool.

What I did, Nimec is to setup a batch file to call the Images2TGA command.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\PEVSoft\Images2TGA\Images2TGA.exe" -trawl F:\TANE_DATA\editing\%1%

Copy this to a text document and edit this to suit. Save the file as a .cmd (Command file).

To run it you need open up the assets first for editing in Content Manager.

The batch is not mine and is supplied by Peter in his help document.

From memory, there is only one PEVSoft tool in ZIP file form on my tutorial website (as the files on my site are direct from PEV) and that's the command line version of Texture2TGA (the predecessor of Images2TGA) so I'm also rather puzzled as well.

Incidentally, I don't even have a 1.15 version of that tool.

Hi Shane, That was just a copy of an old forum post that I had kept in my notes. It was the process that was the important component of it. As you see I used a 1.27 version anyway. Whether it was a 1.15 or zipped or unzipped file is really immaterial as the point I was trying to make was trying to ascertain if there was an equivalent bin file in TANE that I could put Images2TGA [any version] in to fix texture files.
From the responses it seems not, so that answers my question but doesn't solve the problem. Cheers
Hi Shane, That was just a copy of an old forum post that I had kept in my notes. It was the process that was the important component of it. As you see I used a 1.27 version anyway. Whether it was a 1.15 or zipped or unzipped file is really immaterial as the point I was trying to make was trying to ascertain if there was an equivalent bin file in TANE that I could put Images2TGA [any version] in to fix texture files.
From the responses it seems not, so that answers my question but doesn't solve the problem. Cheers

Makes sense - at the moment though it's a case of waiting for N3V to add the required feature.

TANE does not have the "Open With" feature included in CM for TS2009 to TS12 for which I included a setup in my tools.

For TANE, I use Andi06's AssetX to do any repairs/alterations to assets. It may be called up from the desktop icon after opening assets for editing. AssetX can be set up to call any tool you wish. It dose not have a specific TANE setup but you can still include data in the TANE build etc, See AssetX FAQ thread HERE.
What I did, Nimec is to setup a batch file to call the Images2TGA command.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\PEVSoft\Images2TGA\Images2TGA.exe" -trawl F:\TANE_DATA\editing\%1%

Copy this to a text document and edit this to suit. Save the file as a .cmd (Command file).

To run it you need open up the assets first for editing in Content Manager.

The batch is not mine and is supplied by Peter in his help document.

Thanks John however I don't quite understand the process you describe. I have a mate in Australia who is much more Trainz literate than me and he will be watching this thread, so if he understands what you are saying, may be able to help me.
Trainz is the only game I have time for in a vey busy retirement life and find it extremely frustrating that we are severely restricted in being able to bring the good quality pay wear and Ts12 routes like Mojave etc into TANE because of all the texture errors. I cant even get images2TGA to work in TANE anyway but then why bother as some assets from previous versions have 15 - 20 errors to fix. Not worth the hassle. I
f I try your method above and get stuck, I may have to PM you for instructions. Cheers
What I did, Nimec is to setup a batch file to call the Images2TGA command.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\PEVSoft\Images2TGA\Images2TGA.exe" -trawl F:\TANE_DATA\editing\%1%

Copy this to a text document and edit this to suit. Save the file as a .cmd (Command file).

To run it you need open up the assets first for editing in Content Manager.

The batch is not mine and is supplied by Peter in his help document.

G'day John, I think I understand the above but is there anywhere you specifically put the command file or can it be put anywhere?
G'day John, I think I understand the above but is there anywhere you specifically put the command file or can it be put anywhere?

Hi Barrie,

You can put it anywhere as long as it points back to the place where PEV's Images2TGA is installed and to where your T:ANE data is located.

I for example, put mine in my Utilities directory located on my D: drive.

Hi Barrie
Whilst T-ANE doesn't support the open with command Windows certainly does, I initially right clicked the file I wish to convert then use the "Open with" option from the drop down box making sure the "Always use this Program" box is ticked then select the required program - PEVsoft tool and open the file in Images2TGA. Subsequent operations simply require you to "Open" the file and "Images2TGA" will automatically open
Hope this helps
G'day John, I have done as you said and created the CMD file - "C:\Program Files (x86)\PEVSoft\Images2TGA\Images2TGA.exe" -trawl F:\TANE SP1 Beta STORE\editing\%1% and although it opens Images2TGA up nothing further happens, have I done something wrong as I copy and pasted everything.
G'day John, I have done as you said and created the CMD file - "C:\Program Files (x86)\PEVSoft\Images2TGA\Images2TGA.exe" -trawl F:\TANE SP1 Beta STORE\editing\%1% and although it opens Images2TGA up nothing further happens, have I done something wrong as I copy and pasted everything.

Hi Barrie.

Did you change this part here: F:\TANE SP1 Beta STORE\editing\%1% to point to where your data is located?
I think Windows should send the entire path/filename to the macro if you just gave the last argument as %1% without the rest of the path.. maybe enclose it in double quotes "%1%"