A long time ago I saw this instruction on the forum, so copied, saved, and used it.
"After downloading version 1.15 of Images2TGA.zip, unzip it then run it to install the software and to automatically add an
Images2TGA.bat file in your TS12\bin\CMPData\tools\OpenWith folder. To use the utility find the asset you want to convert in CM, right click it and select Open with Images2TGA.bat and all files of the type xxx.texture will be converted into two files, xxx.tga and xxx.texture.txt."
I still have it and use v1.27 in Ts12 if I have to correct textures in any Ts12 asset. Just go to > CM >highlight the asset
>right click >and a little menu comes up. >’open with’ and click on the one you want and away it goes. Textures all fixed. Quick and Fast..
The PEV programs I put in there are
Now I have TANE, I can not find a bin file in TANE to try to replicate this. Is there anyone out there who knows how to set it up in TANE? Texture fixing is an absolute necessary when trying to bring Ts12 routes in to TANE and the above makes a difficult and time wasting task easy. It should not be like that.
I cant fix texture problems any more or get Images2TGA to work in TANE so if TANE is suppose to be backwards compatible we should be able to easily put Ts12 routes into TANE but that is not what happens. Its a texture disaster.
To make this easier. then the automated way as described above is a necessity. Manually trying to fix textures is just too cumbersome. N3V can obviously do it as some of the stuff they bring forward to TANE is OK but what about the Ts12 routes? Even the inbuilts ?
Shane Turner, John Citron, other experts, any comment or instructions on how to do it?
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