People floating in mid air!



I have recently d/l the excellent "Island Line" layout on the dl station but I am having a strange problem in that all the people at the stations, and a few objects seem to be floating a few feet above the platform or the ground. This is not something I have seen in any other layout I use, and I cant think that the route author made such a mistake without spotting it,so can anyone tell me what I have got set-up wrong and how to put it right? Thanks in advance.

I have recently d/l the excellent "Island Line" layout on the dl station but I am having a strange problem in that all the people at the stations, and a few objects seem to be floating a few feet above the platform or the ground. This is not something I have seen in any other layout I use, and I cant think that the route author made such a mistake without spotting it,so can anyone tell me what I have got set-up wrong and how to put it right? Thanks in advance.

ok is there an actual platform underneath where the people that are floating?
If the creator used an invisible platform then you can raise the platform height, but if the station is a complete object then that is how the creator of the station made it and you cant alter it. Sometime the ground that the track sits on may move and this will cause the passengers to rise or sink.
If you'll post the kuid that is causing your problem, we could also try it to see if the problem is systemic or just due to your system. Posting kuids is always the best way to get specific help.

If the people at the station are politicians, they're usually full of hot air, which can often make them rise up into the air. You can usually tell by their swelled heads.
Thanks for the replies.

Yes, there is a platform below all the floating people. one that I can see, how do I find an invisible one if it is there? (Sorry I am not very clever on the techie side of the program)

I don't think there is a session provided on the d/l station ... I tried making my own after altering the height of the platforms to meet the people but that puts everything above the ground then, so I moved the people but then in the new session they appear back where they were if you follow me.

The Kuid is 93885:1109 this is for the layout on the d/l station

Does the platform have spline points/circles? If yes then just raise the vertex point/circle of the platform. If the platform comes with all the track/platform and buildings as one object then you cant do anything about it.
Looking at the dependancies of the route i would say he has used invisible platforms together with Andi06 station kits. In that case the platforms can be raised at the vertex.
Thanks to all who responded, esp Nismit for the detailed instructions which I have (hopefully) followed properly and there certainly is an improvement. I visit the island at least 5 times a year and I was delighted to find this route .. it is very accurate and has given me a good few hours entertainment already.