Passing Signals at Danger (red)


New member
I loaded in route Sandy River to Bongo Creek. I set up two coal trains to run from the Coal mine to Mt Victoria Industries. When the first train gets to Junction MTV WJ1 it is presented with a red light. Presumably the route needs set up. However although the engine, a BR Deltic Blue, slows down for the signal it never quite stops. It creeps along at 1 mph past the signal. One time the second train made it to 9 coal waggons before the signal eventually turned green.

I am sure I have seen this on the forums but I must not be using the correct search terms.

Any thoughts on how to prevent this creeping.

PS Now that I have been on a 6 week trip to Australia last December to my daughter's wedding, I now see why all the rock textures are reddish in colour.:D
The problem is that the AI cannot brake hard enough on thier own to stop a train on a down gradient for a signal. They will lock up, and then you cannot issue any more commands to the train. The solution to this is to download something called AI Brake from the DLS. This fits behind your engines, or in between the loco and tender on steam locos, and dramatically increases the breaking power of the AI.

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Thanks for this information. I am trying it out now. One problem is that I can not see it in Surveyor and I had inserted 4 or 5 before I knew it. Getting rid of the extra ones was hard. From the Icon it should look like a red/white squared wall but nothing appears.
The AI Brake fix is a tricky little number to get rid of - the best way to be sure is to cut the consist a car back from where it/they were put and use the 'Delete Consist' button to get rid of everything up front, then replace the locos, carefully placing just 1 AIBF. If you need more than one, try to have a loco in between, they are temperamental when coupled together...

Andy :)
If it's stopping on a down grade, it could be wheel slipping. Do you still have control of the engine while it is moving?
The problem is that te AI cannot brake hard enough on thier own to stop a train on a down gradient for a signal. They will lock up, and then you cannot issue any more commands to the train. The solution to this is to download something called AI Brake from the DLS. this fits behind your engines, or in between the loco and tender on steam locos, and dramatically increases the breaking power of the AI.


I might be missing something but I have searched the DLS with all permutations of "AI Brake" and can't seem to find it, would be really handy for a particular consist of mine that gets into the "1 MPH" state after passing a red with the loco wheels locked and all the rest of the consist wheels turning.
AFAIK there is no complete solution to this problem in Trainz. It's compounded by an AI train going back to full speed after passing the red signal, instead of applying an emergency brake.

The problem also afflicts activities scripted in GameScript. There are some things you can do but nothing that I know of is 100% reliable under all circumstances. Therefore each individual case has to be tested thoroughly.

This is one of the many things we're keen to explore if and when we get our hands on MSTS2.

Hi there,

Also note that this route is designed for smaller consists.

20 Wagon freight trains aren't practical on this route. :) This is because the route had to be a limit of 15 boards to be eligible for the RBC "Route Building Competition of 2007", so I had to cram everything in there.

I have used the "AI Brake Fix" for further sessions I have created for this route.

I hope you enjoy Sandy River to Bongo Creek :D
