Otis, Ohio-A winter route


Well-known member
So I have been working on my Columbus, Ohio route for YEARS now. I decided it was time to take a break from a relatively flat city route in the summer. I figured I would try a rolling country winter route. Yes, this is another W.I.P. thread! I am trying to keep it small and simple so that I can release it this winter. The route centers around the interlocking of an NS mainline (ex-NYC) a CSX main (ex C&O) and an ex N&W line now dark territory and used mainly as a connection track and to serve a few industries. This is my first try at snow and winter, I know some people don't like speed trees but I think they look fine however- I would love suggestions on winter weeds to use-freeware or payware. I normally use JR grazzy but they just aren't cutting it for me for this.
Looks nice there, almost like the real thing. Can I ask where did you get the signals? I was thinking Jointed Rails, but just want to make sure. Hope to see more pictures again
It will feel refreshing in the summer heat, with the AC on high ... or in Australia right now :hehe:

The only thing good about winter is: Keeps the brewski's cold, and kills the mosquitoes
It took two days,probably 10 hours to make the signal bracket and another 10 to modify and correct my mistakes on the signals. I'm going to have to make a decent amount of custom content for this route. Is there anyone inspired and wiling to help? Msg me and we'll talk.
Winter is looking really Cold over there, just as it should,

Everyone has there Favorite Trees, however, if they fit the bill for you, then it works,,,,,,Can't please all the folks in the Trainz world!

Really nice work Sir............