One way Traffic

Hi Ish,

You can turn any road into a one-way street. I added this tag to a YARN 2-lane road.

isfreeway 1

The traffic now only goes one way! Like all one-way roads, you need to drag the spline in the opposite direction of the one you are going to travel in though.

Hope this helps!

Hi Ish,

You can turn any road into a one-way street. I added this tag to a YARN 2-lane road.

isfreeway 1

The traffic now only goes one way! Like all one-way roads, you need to drag the spline in the opposite direction of the one you are going to travel in though.

Hope this helps!


Hello John,

Oh thank you, sir, for this info -- I was playing around with making my own roads, a few items I just need, and this info will come in handy!

Take care now!!!:wave:

Hello Everyone :wave:

Can someone please note down the tag that's use for freeway traffic?

Hi Again --

I should have re-phrase this -- what I meant is the speed, however, after some research I will noted it down for future reference for me, and all others interested in making roads / freeways:

From N3V wiki pages:

traffic-speed(Only applicable to splines which have 'isroad' set.)
Defines the carz speed limit of the road in meters per second. Carz currently travel at up to 80%-110% (depending on the car) of the speed limit, except when overtaking. This tag does not relate to trains in any way.


(Only applicable to splines which have 'isroad' set.)
Defines the number of carz lanes on a road. Each lane is considered to be 1.7 meters wide. If the road is a freeway, all traffic flows in the same direction. TBD: What, if anything, does this mean for a non-freeway road?

Everything about this:

I've tested all this in 3.7 and no issues! :wave:
Hope this helps anyone out there in trainz-land!

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Hey all -- :wave:

I need some help with this -- can't locate the info from the trainz wiki, and it's properly a simple solution to this that have skipped me!

I've made a road with traffic going one direction, however, I want only the vehicles that I've selected to be displayed on the road ...

I have car0, but how do I disable the automatically car flow from displaying?


Would setting the carrate 0 work?
