Not sure if Trainz Classics number 3 is for you?


Mr Grumpy
If you are not familiar with the Settle Carlisle line may I just tell you that the summit of the line is at Ais Gill. The climb in both directions requires a little effort from the loco in either direction.

Now if anyone can reproduce a scene like this they will have made a middle aged man happy.!

This is one of the better quality videos on Youtube!

And here is another with a different viewpoint at Ais Gill


ps I don't often follow links posted to videos, but I really recommend that you at least look at the first, and I apologise for plugging a loco that I am involved with.

(It looks like these trains will be running again next year, hope to meet some of you!)
Very good videos. Can anyone throw light on the white balloons drifting from right to left on the second one, the part shot at Blea Moor?
Great post John I wonder if the smoke effect will be like that in new release of trainz
Regards Bob V

I bet that it could be done using Twinkles - unfortunatly it would decimate any framerates that are going spare but it would be good to see :clap:

Thanks for posting these - some good sounds coming from that engine! :D I have to say that it takes a little more than a little effore to get over.

Last time I went over Ais Gill it was snowing - in fact, I don't think I've ever been over in the summer by train :o the A65 or A66 aren't quite the same...

(planning day trips to Yorkshire as we type).
Low flying spaceships! No it's simply road traffic!

Yes, I saw the vehicle to the left of the railway too. That was at the beginning of the clip. Have another look, the objects I refer to appear later, glide across the track behind the train, go behind the cottage and reappear.

IIRC there is no road at Blea Moor to the right of the track.
I think it is the road that goes past the pub at the bottom of the station access road to Ribblehead station (Low Sleights Road B6255 on Google Earth), I can't remember if vehicles can use the track that actually goes under Ribblehead Viaduct, it's 20 odd years since I was up there by road. On Saturday I came over Ribblehead in the tender with my bum to the driver pulling coal forwards for the fireman! Black smoke is fantastic to look at but it's mainly unburnt coal, so more is used on the trip!

BidMod. A good day can be spent using a West Yorkshire Day Rover (not as far as the Settle Carlisle). Good value for money. And next year looks like we will be working 10 Dalesmen trains at least! Hope to see you on one. Look me out, I'm the best looking amongst the support crew!:'( :'( :'( We can have a pot of tea together.:udrool:

Unfortunately I'll be at university for the next four years, and the whole paying for my own study thing means no railtours for me. With the going rate of study costs now around £6,000 I'll be in serious debt before I consider any jobs, let alone a house or car :(. The system is different, but perhaps not improved. I'm not in a position to say if it has deteriorated though.

Still, with an 8F and a rake of Mk1 stock promised, I'll just have to recreate the Dalesman in Trainz ;).
EDIT: a quick check has shown be that the coaches are still "mystery coaches". Personally, I don't see what else they could be, except former LMS or possibly LNER express stock.
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Fantastic videos John, thanks for sharing them with us. Even though I am mainly a diesel and electric buff, that was a wonderful sight and brought a small lump to my throat. :'( Unfortunately, even though I intend to purchase TC3, I doubt if I will ever re-create such scenes as those.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.

P.S. If we are still around next year, I would be obliged if you can advise us when the steam specials intend to run, I might even join you for a cuppa, or even a pint...
P.S. If we are still around next year, I would be obliged if you can advise us when the steam specials intend to run, I might even join you for a cuppa, or even a pint...

I intend to be around a lot longer and will certainly let you know when the dates are confirmed. Cuppa yes, beer no, not a drop when on duty nowadays! Beer and whisky is for days off!

Thanks for the links to the vids John, quite a treat watching and listening to her work on the grade. I've been wishing for more than 5 years to be able to duplicate scenes like that in Trainz. I'll probably still be wishing. You guys will have to check out TC3 for me. TC - the original - was a bit of a disappointment for me so probably won't be buying another one soon.

Bob Pearson
Hello Bob, yes I'm sure a lot of us Brits and lovers of steam and diesel will keep everyone else around the world advised of the outcome of this new release - I may even take a few screenshots, now that I have got the hang of it. :hehe:

Hi John, yes, sorry, didn't mean to imply that we would booze and drive trains of course....I don't even do that when I'm operating my TRS2006...well, maybe at the weekends...We have to set a good example in our middle ages to the younger generation.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
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