On reading the original post I nodded my head in agreement, then was shocked at the hard hitting replies, and wondered where I was. Not impressed. He had very valid points and clearly some glossed over what he said, and focused on only parts and missed the general message. Like others I can see both sides and am also fed up downloading routes only to then find they are rubbish. So far 75% are rubbish in my experience and 25% are good to excellent. The trouble is as stated by others often these things have little description, or misleading descriptions and you really don't know if you are wasting download and your monthly limit (it ain't free), until you install and look. I've seen routes that are a flat board, insane tracks crossing over others, going no where and that was it! Really peeved me as it said "Lithgow" and I live nearby.
Yes, it takes months, or years to create any layout, the longer it takes, probably the better it is. As a newbie here, of the older generation, I think routes at least (impractical with other content) should have some vetting system or the DLS will be killed with junk, some of which may have worked once but with TANE doesn't work. I'd say 10 - 15% of content downloaded doesn't work (if you have the latest version). Unfortunately a BIG drawback of TANE (?) or the New Era, is you can only download from within the game. No way that I can see to select items that are this generation of Trainz, unlike the website where you can select which version/s to select from.
It's a complicated issue, and I am currently (for over 2 months) working on my own map of the Zig-Zag near Lithgow. So I know what's involved, the learning curve and the grade of 1 in 42.... Interlocking towers, what the feck are they!? Yep, seen them, played with it, avoid them cause there's no explanation in the above mentioned manual. Like I said, no easy answer, technology evolves too fast frankly, but it would be nice to keep it civil. All opinions are valid, even if wrong. But then who's to say they are wrong anyway, or right for that matter. :wave:
Yes, it takes months, or years to create any layout, the longer it takes, probably the better it is. As a newbie here, of the older generation, I think routes at least (impractical with other content) should have some vetting system or the DLS will be killed with junk, some of which may have worked once but with TANE doesn't work. I'd say 10 - 15% of content downloaded doesn't work (if you have the latest version). Unfortunately a BIG drawback of TANE (?) or the New Era, is you can only download from within the game. No way that I can see to select items that are this generation of Trainz, unlike the website where you can select which version/s to select from.
It's a complicated issue, and I am currently (for over 2 months) working on my own map of the Zig-Zag near Lithgow. So I know what's involved, the learning curve and the grade of 1 in 42.... Interlocking towers, what the feck are they!? Yep, seen them, played with it, avoid them cause there's no explanation in the above mentioned manual. Like I said, no easy answer, technology evolves too fast frankly, but it would be nice to keep it civil. All opinions are valid, even if wrong. But then who's to say they are wrong anyway, or right for that matter. :wave: