not enough turnouts


since 10 Aug 2002
I'm building a prototype route and so far the track has been placed according to how it really is, as best as I've been able to determine. Some tests have shown that the trains don't behave in a prototypical way. For example, one consist was waiting forever at a junction because other trains, even though they are very far away have seized the turnouts in front of it in anticipation of them (the other trains) using them.

At first I added a few more signals to create shorter blocks but that didn't help. Adding a few more turnouts for the trains to play with, although not prototypical as far as track work is concerned, resolved the issue.

The same thing happened on one of the background lines. I placed two pairs of portals in the background and joined them with some simple track. Then I programmed the portals to generate some traffic to give the area that liven-in look by having other trains moving around. These tracks are not connected to anything else. Trains would be generated and exit the portal and then not continue even though the line was clear, signals green and the previous train was far down the track. After adding a few turnouts and dead end track, everything started running smoothly.
I've had this "who-controls-the-turnout" issue far too many times, and sometimes they solve themselves when for example a "drive via" command is removed, or a track direction marker is added. Either way, you never know what Alastair and his pals are thinking...

On another note, you could use invisible track so it doesn't look so unsightly.
Another "solution"is to give one of the warrior-drivers a "wait for ... minutes " order. (s)he will leave the switch alone for that amount of time for the other ( victorious ) driver to claim it. :hehe:
If I recall correctly it seems theyre is a 3 jct rule for these guys.....
The first one closest gets the switch........
May even notice the couple to command the engineer pending on how track is laid directional wise will go miles out of the way to click with its 3 jcts then correct itself...........b4 assigning any AI trains do some test runs to see which route it will actually go... then adjust signaling and jcts
accordingly and of course the shortest route theory like a passenger train running 80mph through a 10 mph industry siding lol........

Dave =)
A "wait for ... "might work but since these are random events, it will be hard to preprogram. Beside as soon as the time is up, the fight to control the switches will start again.

Sometimes it is kind of funny to see how the AI drivers try to complete their instructions but I have always maintained that if they use inappropriate tracks, it is up to the dispatchers (us) to arrange things so that it is not possible. If we leave the door open, we can hardly blame them for using it.

At other times I'm amazed to see how those same drivers manage to sort things out.
Which reminded me of a question I've forgotten from long long ago. Like trains, can tracks have priorities as well? Or laid in a certain manner? Or perhaps there's some custom script on the DLS, who knows?
Which reminded me of a question I've forgotten from long long ago. Like trains, can tracks have priorities as well? Or laid in a certain manner? Or perhaps there's some custom script on the DLS, who knows?

You can give tracks priority by using the purple trackmarks.
Tracks have direction, which is why it is preferable to place double tracks one at a time, with each track placed in the direction of the prevailing traffic. You can see the track direction by placing a direction marker, it points in the preferred direction. Although track direction doesn't prevent trains from using it in either direction, it does appear to have some influence on the AI drivers. They would rather drive in the direction of the track.