Non-Scots class 37s and Class 89 problems...


Learning... slowly!
Hi guys

Couple of things.
First of all, are there any high quality BR Blue Class 37s on the DLS that don't have the Scottish Region logos (terrier/salmon) on them? All the examples I can find are Scottish Region ones with the various logos on, skinned for the Fort William route. I've nothing against those, just want some alternatives!

Secondly, I put the Intercity Class 89 at the head of an IC MKIV rate on Midshire earlier, and in DCC mode told it to accelerate to about 50% of its top speed - which ought to be about 62mph. It then proceeded to crawl to 6mph in the time that any other loco would have hit 20 - 25mph. When I pushed the dial up to full, it climbed to 9mph. and didn't appear to be accelerating at all. Anyone any idea why this happens?

Hi Alex,

I can't help you with the non-Scots rolling stock, but the other issue might be related to an improperly configured engine-spec. Someone might have "fixed" something only to have messed up the file so that DCC mode is broken.

Hi Jonn,

Sorry to bump another old thread, not sure why I never replied at the time. Is there something in the config I can look for? I can try and post the config here if desired.
Before messing around with the config try putting it on a different train of similar length and weight but formed of different coaches. If it works fine then it is the coaches that are at fault. If the problem persists then the loco is at fault. If it is the loco at fault the easiest solution would be just to switch the espec for one from a similar loco that you know works.