"No Path to Selected Destination"


New member
I am attempting to use maggs "Re-rail portal basic" to run a round trip passenger train through my new route. I have been able to successfully run the northbound leg but when I try to run the southbound leg, with the exception of using one different track mark on the same track, I keep getting the message, "No Path to Selected Destination"

I have placed Track direction markers every fifty feet or so to prove that all the track is in the right direction. It is. It was ALL originally laid down from the north to the south so that should not have been a problem in any case.. There are no broken connections anywhere and I have even replaced all the track, the portals, and have reduced it to a single track line without the siding I had built in thus removing any switches that may have caused problems. I have also edited the portals in both Route layer and Session layer modes but that doesn't correct the problem either.

How can the path be complete and functional in one direction and not the other?
Lay trackmarks at session level along your route and let the AI work from one marker to the next that will isolate your problem.

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If you used any direction markers, make sure they are pointing in the direction you really want your trains to travel in. :)

I had that issue not too long ago. It took me forever to find it because it was so obvious! :D

Would you mind if I take a look at your route?

PM me and I'll give you my OneDrive link or if it's a small enough CDP file, you can email it to me.

Another thought...

I ran into this one a year ago, thereabouts since fences and other splines have become track. One particular route, my AI were totally disregarding my direction markers. I went as far as to delete my consists and rebuild schedules I had setup in the Schedule Library to no avail. I, for the life of me, find the problem and decided to relay the track, which was a chore in some locations due to the complex trackwork I had put down.

As I moved some catenary out of the way, as this was a trolley line I was working on, to get to the track below to delete it, I noticed that the direction marker was attached to the catenary and not the track like a bead on some wire. The AI were correct in ignoring the track direction marker since it wasn't on their track. Poor Atari and Basti were fired for nothing!

So do you have any nearby grass splines, fences, telegraph poles, or their relations?

Remember that a track marker, or direction marker may have in advertently flipped around as it attached its self to something other than the intended track.
