No old-time coke ovens?

Does anyone know if there are any rectangular coke ovens available, similar to this one:
(not my picture)

If not, are there any beehive ovens that I can use to kitbash a rectangular oven?

I have a vague recollection that Bendorsey did something that looked very much like that. They are most likely TRS2004 vintage, not sure if they were called coke ovens though. May have been ore smelters or whatever. Check the DLS. Post back if you find them, I'd be interested to know how good my long-term memory is. :confused:
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There are some thanks to Ben Dorsey. :)

<kuid2:201518:1073:3> = 30_Ovens
<kuid2:201518:1074:3> = 60 Ovens
<kuid2:201518:1075:1> = 90 Ovens
<kuid2:201518:1076:3> = 120 Oven

Deane - we posted at the same time with same thought too. :D
They should go into newer versions with little to no problems (sez me with my fingers crossed) other then the possible lack of a screenshot (I made these a long time ago).
