nexusdj class 166

Sorry I don't have it, Im just posting this because Dave will eventually find this thread (hopefully)

Dave: Have you thought of using a free domain name so you can leave the site online while you upload everything onto the DLS or for use when the DLS is down. You can also get free hosting (or share with someone) making the site cost apsolutly nothing- Yes you don't get a .com or domain name but you don't need one if the site is only online for reference. If you need a suggestion of the best free webhost or domain name PM me

SynxXxRaine live
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So where does it say nexusdj permits re-distribution of his content by e-mail? I understand he was planning to upload to the DLS, but just hasn't got round to it yet...

It's ok. Some creators are happy to have their work shared this way - many absolutely reserve their right (as copyright holders) to decide how it is distributed. It's always best to check...

I looked at the config files all it said not to reskin nothing about re-distribution. I don't even know if Klambert got the email.He is keeping quiet
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The only person that can verify whether or not content can be passed in this way is nexusdj.
I feel anybody thinking of doing this should make contact with the auther (whoever they are) and get permission first. It is only polite after all.

I agree with you. why didn't Klambert direct his request to nexusdj

Sorry for keeping quiet I have been to busy to go on the computer for long, but I cant send nexusdj an email requesting for the class 166 because he doesnt show his email address and I cant pm him.
Yes you can, go onto his profile and click 'send an email' or 'send a private message'

And i agree wiht what other people say, it is always best to check.

Merry christmas
