Newer Version Available??

It actually goes quite fast. Just make sure you sort by Status when the new "List asset versions" window opens. Then scroll through and find the grouping of "Available to Download" - highlight (select) the group, then right click one and "Download."

Once you understand what is happening it's very easy and simple (as I just learned myself!)
It actually goes quite fast. Just make sure you sort by Status when the new "List asset versions" window opens. Then scroll through and find the grouping of "Available to Download" - highlight (select) the group, then right click one and "Download."

Once you understand what is happening it's very easy and simple (as I just learned myself!)

Nearly all 310000show the Status: "Available for download", but didn't check all 310000 as this task is hard to manage and I didn't find a possibility to sort the items.

It runs now about 2 hours and I guess it will take 1 or two days, although my internet connection isn't very slow. Should I now close the window via [x] to abort ?
There are also a bunch of <unknown asset> inside. Sorry, I previously marked all using [CTRL]+[A]... Seems I killed the database?
If you are trying to download 310000 items you are not working with "Installed only." When you do this maintenance make sure you are always looking at "Installed only" -

I'm not sure the best way out of your download. If it were me I'd likely kill the network, let it error, then quit and restart '19. There may be better ways, I'm not sure.

After a quit, restart '19 and rebuild database. If it were me I'd then delete everything just installed by going by the time/date stamp. Else you are going to have a lot of un-used assets.

Someone else may have other quick advice... but I'd kill the 310000 item download asap. I have a lot of routes and I only have around 53000 assets total.
Yes - you can interrupt the update process and resume downloading updates at a later date without too much chance of errors.
Concerned about the sheer number of currently installed TRS19 Platinum assets apparently needing updates according to your listed returns, CitMusJoe.
Did you have a large number of additional routes and sessions carried over from previous TRS19 versions in your UserData folder (in addition to the built-in Platinum selection)?
Many thanks for your advice!
I just grab my calculator to see what's less time consuming: kill all actions and restore my "TRS19_content_100240" folder (approx. 150GB) or proceed downloading.
As a next step I'll read all advices again very careful. I guess I've missunderstood or missed something...
Don't thank me. Thank PC_Ace and Forester1. They just educated me too.

btw, you do have all columns showing in CM right? If not click the Header row and add all the columns.
Here is what your CM should look like for the "Out of Date" filter. (a bit reduced in size) - No out of date assets!

THIS LINK might show it larger:

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Yes - you can interrupt the update process and resume downloading updates at a later date without too much chance of errors.
Concerned about the sheer number of currently installed TRS19 Platinum assets apparently needing updates according to your listed returns, CitMusJoe.
Did you have a large number of additional routes and sessions carried over from previous TRS19 versions in your UserData folder (in addition to the built-in Platinum selection)?

When I started TRS19_100240 today there popped up a window with a bunch of routes Locos etc. AFAIK I've already installed them some time ago.
Seems to be some stuff I've purchased for TANE too.

Before beginning to calculate what's better to do in this situation I aborted all actions and shutdown TRS19. BTW I'm talking about build 100240 (=no SP1).
At the moment I' wanted to count the number of routes installed. Now, past aborting, I can see some new routes/sessions inside TRS19 (no SP1).
Some routes were carried over from TANE, to answer your question. Now in TRS19_100240, after clicking onto [DRIVER / SURVEYOR] I counted 27 yellow marked routes. All other routes are marked white at the bottom line of the the thumbnail preview window.
BTW now I could see some foreign routes that I've never had before all my applied database actions, e.g. Russian routes etc. I'll delete them all here in the hope this makes sence and will eventual try again to repair...

Should I on my next attempt first download that huge routes (this downloads alone took about 2 hours) or skip it and do a cleanup first? I'm unsure what's best to do now

If I get this one a days done I can continue to apply all for build 105096 (SP1).
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Thanks to all of you for your very appreciated inputs. I see I'm just at the beginning. It seems to be very important to keep the content database constantly under maintainance. Until now I've set only actions in CM if problems occured while Trainzing. Some of them I could fix others not. But today I got an imagination of the ice below level.