New Comp - MSI GS70 w/GTX970M - TS12 still slow! Help?!


Hey all! I just got a new laptop, an MSI GS70 with a GTX 970M w/16 GB of RAM - a very capable system (or so I thought). However, TS12 still only gets 4-5 fps when in driver mode, low teens in surveyor (with details turned up). I'd expect at least double these numbers. Any thoughts on what I could do to optimize the frame rates & performance? I'm using OpenGL, as this computer doesn't have DirectX9 (DX11 on it, in anticipation of TANE). Obviously I could also turn down some sliders, but I'd expect a $2300 laptop to perform better than this one is! Thanks for any tips you can toss my way at optimizing my laptop!
OpenGL is poor on some Nvidia cards, install DirectX9c which is required for TS12, DX11 is not fully backwards compatible and will not work very well, again on some Nvidia cards without directX9c
DX9c will co-exist happily with DX10 and 11 and won't cause any problems with T:ANE which will just use 11. Also make sure you have the up to date drivers for the Graphics card.
Also make sure if you have one of those annoying Intel / Discrete card combinations that you have told the laptop to use the Nvidia for TS12.
Malc, thanks for your help! I do have one of those annoying Intel graphics cards too, so I'll double check that the game is using Nvidia card (which I updated the drivers for as soon as I got the computer...and then once again after reinstalling everything...) I'll also go download DX9c and install that and see how it works. Will report back with results once I've tested these options. Thanks again!
The switch from OpenGL to DirectX 9.0c is amazing! I went from 30 fps to 160 fps! While the menus don't look as crisp with DX9, the game itself is fantastic! Thanks for the advice!