Need Help With Windows XP


Trainz Carpenter
I know this is not about trainz but can't find any good forum to post it in. I absolutely hate Windows! Always have and always will! Can we all go back to DOS?

I was woking on my desk and glanced up to look at my computer screen and discovered the Start Menu had relocated and I can find no way to put it back on the bottom. An image of the screen with the moved menu is below.

Can someone please explain how to get the Start Menu back on the bottom?


You'll want to try and grab the menu and drag it back down to the bottom. It'll take some expirementing with left clicking, I'd try on the upper left corner first and it will start rubber banding, then you've got it. Mine always would want to become double wide while remaining horizontal on the bottom. I have to say, knock on wood, I haven't had this problem yet with Vista.
Gosh, I thought I was the only one that happened too.:hehe: I took drastic measures and did a system restore to correct the problem. I like that about XP.
Sorry gentlemen. Thanks for the grabbing and unticking suggestions but they don't work. Left clicking on the left edge produces horizontal arrows and allows rubber-banding horizontally; left clicking on the dotted horizontal line produces vertical arrows but no vertical movement. There is no tick on the "lock toolbar" option.

sethmcs: To what point does a "system restore" restore to? I don't wish to lose anything. Also, where do I find "system restore?"

Something must have gone very wrong, I just tried it with mine and that's all I did, right-click on the taskbar, unticked lock the taskbar, then just left-click and hold anywhere on the taskbar (not on the edge) and dragged it to the side of the screen then back down to the bottom.

Strange, never heard of it happening before.
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:confused: :confused: Found this in windows help under "move taskbar".

To move the taskbar taskbar
  • Click an empty area on the taskbar and then drag the taskbar to a different location on the desktop.
  • If you cannot drag the taskbar to a new location, the taskbar may be locked. For more information, click Related Topics.
CLICK and HOLD the LEFT mouse button to move. Hope this helps. :wave:

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Sorry gentlemen. Thanks for the grabbing and unticking suggestions but they don't work. Left clicking on the left edge produces horizontal arrows and allows rubber-banding horizontally; left clicking on the dotted horizontal line produces vertical arrows but no vertical movement. There is no tick on the "lock toolbar" option.

sethmcs: To what point does a "system restore" restore to? I don't wish to lose anything. Also, where do I find "system restore?"


Search help "system restore". A link to the system restore wizard will appear. System restore will restore the registry from a prior date. You will lose any programs that were installed after the restore date but you will not lose saved data. Windows periodically makes a registry save point every few days. You can restore the registry from a couple days ago and it will fix the problem and I believe it can be reversed as well if you encounter any unintended results.

Hope this helps.:wave:

Believe me I understand your frustration.:hehe:
Finally took sethmcs advice and did a System Restore back to about 2:00 this afternoon (about 8 hours prior to the problem). Since I did no actual work during that time (only games and email) I don't think I lost anything and the desktop is back to normal. Thanks to all who tried to help.

System Restore only affects system files so all your data files should be ok.

Dunno why you can't drag the taskbar but now it's in the right place you probably don't want to risk messing it up again :) For the record:
Right-click in an unoccupied area of the taskbar (i.e. not on a minimised program icon, the start button, the quick launch bar or the system tray) and make sure "Lock The Taskbar" is not ticked (if it is then click it to untick it).
Left-click and drag an unoccupied area of the taskbar to the desired edge of the screen (top, bottom or either sides). Nothing happens until the mouse pointer approaches the new edge. When you release the mouse button the taskbar moves.
If you wish, lock the taskbar.

HTH, John
This happened to my mom's computer, If you own windows xp pro then to to add ro remove programs and try to delete andthing microsoft toolbar or task bar. No sys restore needed.
Xerox, the inventer of windows, intended for the task bar to be on top. How else can you have drop down menus? Naturally Microsoft had to mess with it, but at least they gave us the option to do it right.

About System Restore not messing with data files, don't bet your bippy. I have found layouts missing. The title is still on the Driver and Surveyor menus but the layout can't be found. Other times stuff has gone missing from the layout. You may wan't to backup your important Trainz stuff before System Restoring.
I know this is not about trainz but can't find any good forum to post it in. I absolutely hate Windows! Always have and always will! Can we all go back to DOS?

I was woking on my desk and glanced up to look at my computer screen and discovered the Start Menu had relocated and I can find no way to put it back on the bottom. An image of the screen with the moved menu is below.

Can someone please explain how to get the Start Menu back on the bottom?


Who is the bird?
Xerox, the inventer of windows, intended for the task bar to be on top. How else can you have drop down menus? Naturally Microsoft had to mess with it, but at least they gave us the option to do it right.

About System Restore not messing with data files, don't bet your bippy. I have found layouts missing. The title is still on the Driver and Surveyor menus but the layout can't be found. Other times stuff has gone missing from the layout. You may wan't to backup your important Trainz stuff before System Restoring.

I found out the hard way too!

To move your taskbar...

Hold the mouse, with the left button pressed in, near the clock, and move the mouse where you want the taskbar to go to. Remember to unlock the taskbar if necessary.

In Vista, at least on my HP laptop, CTRL + Arrow keys will completely flip the screen around. Talk about confusing! I had a user go nuts over this, and to add insult to injury, her Blue-Tooth mouse died so it wouldn't work. I fixed it by finding out the key combination the hard way!
