Need help with saving.


I originally made a mistake of editing my route via a session, so now any changes I make only show in the session......sigh.....then today after several hours of work, when I went to exit, I accidently pressed "Don't Save".

I managed to find the auto saved session and route, but now how can I save all the changes made in the session to the route (I'm on about scenery/railway track - not trains or commands)

Ive tried using "Save As" but that doesn't work:confused:

Thanks in advance for any help!

Steve aka Simtrain
Merge the layers. So merge the Session layer into the route layer.

You can find the layer menu in surveyor symbolized by a pile of paper.
Edit a route via a session will not stop the route from saving all new work to the map. When you save, the route saves over the previous one and a session is also saved. It is often better to edit via the session as changing the route only can make any attached sessions fail to work. Don't confuse session with layers.
stagecoach, when I was saving via a session, changes to scenery or track was not saving in the route file. That was my original problem

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Don't confuse the session layer with the session that is saved as a separate kuid attached to the map. As you have already found out your new work was on a different layer, the save from the edit session would save the map but your new work would still have been on the other layer once the map was open.