Need Help Accessing my Orignal Account


New member
I have been a member here for over a year. I own and registered Trainz 2004, 2006 and I bought the digital download from the store of Trainz 2012. None of the find password functions could find any of my three e mail addresses. I had to buy a new computer and reinstall my old one so i lost the automatic log on as my bookmarks restored but not my firefox browsing history and passwords.

Can someone help me reach Support ? the last time i tried over an access issue I never heard back from them.

I have an assigned KUID number already, and dont want to lose it, as i plan to make contact for it. my user name is CrisGer and I have several threads active in the forum.

Please move this to where it should be and or help me if possible thank you. I do not want to lose vaulabel PMs in my files and work related posting on content i am making for Trainz. thank you

Chris Gerlach

Username: crisger
User ID: 412949

Your User ID is the prefix number that appears before the colon in the KUIDs

you allocate to your Trainz content. The format of your KUIDs should be as


KUID Format


i have the paypal receipt of my purchase of 2012 last year.
I would contact the helpdesk and ask them to install all your accounts under one new UN, PW, EMail address

Using your ISP Provider as an EMail address is a bad idea, as if you ever move, and discontinue that ISP Provider, and change to a different ISP Provider, all your EMail accounts go PooF !

Use someplace like Yahoo EMail, for an EMail account, as it will always be there

Get in the habit of using the same identical UN, PW, EMail address for everything, and write it down somewhere for safekeeping, and on a piece of masking tape on all your Trainz Discs box's

Try hard to recall what UN, PW, EMail address's you used

Skype UN: (what else ?) cascaderailroad

I have a photogenic memory :hehe:, and have "Total Recall" (the DVD) ... but I kan't find my kar' keyz', or my cell phone
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thank you i use my Yahoo Account usually for that reason, i just had to make a fast decision about reinstalling the system i used for the older 2004 work which is an old XP platform SP3, and thought i had saved the firefox history with the PW intact. but when the history came back the PW access didnt and for some reason none of my PWs were showing up for the recovery system. I will try help ty.

I assume you mean Customer support at the bottom of the page?
Yes. Send in a ticket with as much info possible.

Keep in mind the Helpdesk only is operating during Australian office hours.
thank you yes i figured that i sent them a ticket hope that will help clear this up. I am hoping to install TANE once i get thet three versions i have working and my download connections re established. I had some trouble getting them to work before so i am hoping to get it all arranged. thank you for the replies.
I want to thank all for the posts and help here, i was able to get in touch with Support and they were very nice, and got my account sorted out and open for me ..a big relief so i can proceed with planned asset development. thank you to all this is a very supportive community and I do appreciate it.