(Continued conversation)
For ability to verify things for making statements in the Wikibook and TrainzOnline Wiki, I'm occasionally running (I've got each installed, that is) AT LEAST one build code version of each release since TC3... absent only TS12-SP1+hf4 which is one of the four TS12's Installed or cloned. (Get to new stage, immediately copy it as a backup, but have cloned it in the old before the upgrade, netting three. [Or copy the targeted state, fix up the registry, then update that after testing it's working.] The copy of the new upgrade is the new runtime version, the one upgraded directly, the safetynet/backup. Protects my time that way. The copies/"state clonings" are usually across to another HDD, so the copy goes FAST), then I do a quick registry edit to point the right paths for whatever working version I'm running every day I run that build.
Resuming the main topics...
I had quite a few missing KUID's too. When you open the TRS12 Contents, when you right click and look at the dependencies it shows all of them.
I then clicked show assets in list, then it shows them in the page. I found if I right clicked on one that was missing, the menu would show 'download' and under it 'download this version' which is a new tab the others don't have. Even with unknown ones, it would usually find it and download the older version.
Actually, being inexperienced with CM/CMP overall, I just put that together--about looking for updates before fixing assets--about a month or so ago. OTOH, hanging with guys in Yz-Tz with ten continuous years of Trainz CM experience, I was quite willing to fix a few hundred to solidify my own knowledge of the Trainz data model and progression of versions. I need a handle on that to write accurately!
Even with unknown ones, it would usually find it and download the older version.
That second ticket I submitted, seems to have changed that 'TS12' suspected behavior (?perhaps part of HF3???)...
I have the impression It's now force-feeding me the updated version when I specify a explicit original KUID (whether I want it or not!), such as those deleted and disableds I mentioned. However,
also an impression I've not confirmed -- several of my state-before upgrade installs may well still give me the originals I need to correct the Dels & Dis'ds list. I need time to play with these factors--to ensure my impressions are facts, or I'd have already put in a third "THEY FIXED IT!" ticket!
I also ended up uninstalling 2006 as the updates really screwed with the layouts in surveyor.
This may be my fault. IN early May/late-April... I'd filed a ticket finding that a large shopping cart of mixed trainz-builds put together using the Blackpages had gone to T'06 even though I'd meant for it to go to T'12--which was open to CM at the time! So far as I can tell the controlling factor is the
pathspec in the registry for filetypes
.cdp and .cdp2's, which was seems to be changed If and When you download to T'06. As a CE/EE I've been changing paths in the registry for over a decade, but this time I didn't verify in advance what was there (referred to as the 2nd instance below). This experience re-taught and emphasized to verify that --though I'd encountered the mis-targeted shopping cart launch before, but didn't spend a lot of time but to figure the cdp association out. That shopping cart dumped a large bunch of wholly inappropriate trainz-builds into CMP (1st instance, there were some Black Pages downloads in between that went where I wanted AFTER making sure of the pathspec. I haven't established in my own head whether such a REGEDIT change takes effect immediately but of a certainty it's SAFE to change it and THEN REBOOT, IIRC, a CMP kernal stays in memory [memory leak] if you just quit out, so the reboot gives you a certain state.)-- T'06 hasn't a clue about Speedtrees and AlphaHints, for example. That very week, IIRC, I started the shopping cart "THEY FIXED" that went south the next time I triggered the download on the shopping cart. I'd added to it on and off when I didn't want puzzles and shopped for various kinds of assets or by author, etc. Had 12 pages or so in that shopping cart by the time I wanted to deal with new errors! When that download tried to goto T'06, I suspended it and issued a ticket asking THEY reset the task, or at least send me a list of kuids in the cart. NEITHER was effective. The cart disappeared, whether because of in place software assessing it as completed, or (I'm pretty sure) their action.
"Good Afternoon Fabartus
We do not support the use of the 'download cart' function on the Download Station website with current versions of Trainz, since this function has been obsoleted by the 'Download Helper' tool in Content Manager. As such, we are no longer maintaining this function, and you may find that it does not function with versions newer than TRS2004. You may also find that current (and possibly older) content may show as 'invalid'.
You can still use the Download Station website to search for content, and add the content to the Download Helper panel in Content Manager. This is done by clicking on the 'Download (helper)' icon. This will then add the content (and it's dependencies) to the 'download helper' tool in Content Manager. We recommend opening Content Manager yourself first. You should then be able to download the content by clicking on the 'start' icon.
In regards to kuid:-1:101291 it is an old bogie asset from TRS2004 (or possibly pre TRS2004) that was obsoleted by a new bogie in either an update for TRS2004 or in TRS2006. I do not have the replacement asset's kuid on hand as this is part of the legacy content, however there have been many posts regarding this on the forums.
Regards Zec Murphy"
I intend to experiment with this and settle the uncertainty, but I've had too many more pressing asset management issues to get back to it.
Ever since the shopping cart has been the only way I can locate assets to cure another headache I created for myself rushing to get a error free TS12 to upgrade to HF4...
Another glitch I had was I would download it and it may be a faulty asset. I found it on the download page at
http://www.auran.com/TRS2004/DLS.php (tick all the boxes for the downloads below the one you are looking for to maximize the search) and downloaded the file NOT using the helper, but the FTP. Then you start TRS12 and then drop the file/s you just downloaded into the download area. It will ask to re-install and I overwrote them which gave me a good clean asset. Not sure why this worked, but it did!
I haven't tried that yet. Did see it mentioned as an error fix remedy, I think in that TS2010 sticky compiling how to fix errors, but there are so many things to do, and so little time! When I locate the below again, I'll try that. A test handful worked at reacquiring them, even broken, which is all I need for now!
You may also find that current (and possibly older) content may show as 'invalid'.
IIRC, this was happening the first time I submitted a ticket... like March!
My other big problem now...
Their fix is handicapping me in another regard -- I'd cross-loaded a bunch of
unfixed faulty assets from one of my TS09 or TS10 installs. I'd had downloaded a 125 faulty assets--seems to be split between TS10-SPx and TS09-SP4 installs, then imported into TS12. Initially disabled those and worked on cleaning up the errors in the 9 & 10 releases. (After a while, beginning to see repeats, I started a library of fixed assets from the validated versions just before final commits, but alas, started that far too late. Did I mention Trainz Time is a Premium luxury on my schedule, so scarce? Well repeat it often to your self. <BSEG> [so too is time spent on the forums!]) T'06 excepted, Have to commit, validate, then reopen to copy with T'06. After I began working with TS12 regularly, about mid-March, iirc, I wanted to goto HF4, but had those pesky 125 bad assets. So innocently I deleted them. But they were already disabled... Ooops! Now there were 1
25 deleteds and disableds, the DLS-CM-3.7 interface will not re-download!
Tried Imported by CDPs... won't take them so I can undisable them either that easy way either. Finally figured out importing content from an open for edit version will. Importing that way leaves them open for edit, and restores the ability to re-enable them. Now I need to find where the last bunch of the group are (Less than 50 now, and instead I'm telling you about it, vice doing it as planned this am!)
...NOT using the helper, but the FTP. Then you start TRS12 and then drop the file/s you just downloaded into the download area. It will ask to re-install and I overwrote them which gave me a good clean asset. Not sure why this worked, but it did!
I've seen that method, but haven't tried it yet. But one reason it may have worked was the internet might have garbled the data stream, so you got corrupted data. On the advice of Jcitron, I deleted a number of things and redownloaded them when he got functional (fault free) versions of the same asset I was working with. I should probably make that a method of first choice, but haven't yet, // Frank