Neat story about the C&NW and dealing with snow


I was looking for old photos of the C&NW about an hour ago and found a neat story from a former employee of the Chicago and Northwestern. It's quite interesting and there's some interesting photos along with it. I suggest reading it!
(If you intend on doing some snowplowing with an E or F Unit, remember to bolt the front door shut!)
The story is here: Henry Remembers1.htm
That F-unit story is kind of terrifying. Its like an avalanche but your in an enclosed space and the snow is getting pre compressed. *shudders*
What a story! Sounds like at least everyone got dug out OK! I bet the shop foreman owed (hot!) drinks around, but then I suppose someone should have double checked that!
That really is scary and hard to imagine that could happen!

I'm glad they all got out okay.