National Train Day: the aftermath! (Humor and Sarcasm)

Hi Everybody.
I got a kick out of it too. The thing about satire is you generally have to know the subject in order to get it. Of course, one could argue that the whole Occupy movement is bat---- insane enough that one doesn't NEED satire to inspire laughter, but it's funny nonetheless.

You could be right there RRsignal. But I seem to recall that the leadership and aristocracy of Russia in 1916 thought that the protests and strikes occupying the streets of Moscow where insane and laughable. I do not recall them laughing in 1917. hahaha

A bit of satire there, hope everybody understands
Eh?................Do not quite follow the point you are trying to make their ed. Bill

Well, Facebook being one of those multi-million, multi-national corporations and all that! It must be tough being an occupier, what with having to wipe your butt with leaves, and grow your own food and such. Toothpaste must be optional as well if you want to avoid giving cash to those huge companies that control the planet...

Of course, I am hyperbolic here, but it is a bit incongruous, is it not?
Well, Facebook being one of those multi-million, multi-national corporations and all that! It must be tough being an occupier, what with having to wipe your butt with leaves, and grow your own food and such. Toothpaste must be optional as well if you want to avoid giving cash to those huge companies that control the planet...

Of course, I am hyperbolic here, but it is a bit incongruous, is it not?

Hi Ed And Everybody.
Apologies for not replying earlier Ed but I was busy all day yesterday and then there was that football match last night. However, speaking for what I perceive the occupy protesters are demonstrating about here in Britain is not the actual existence of huge multinational companies especially banks it is the way that they are being run and also the huge salaries and bonuses and their directors and executives are awarding themselves when the average hard-working Britain is experiencing pay freezes if not pay cuts all brought about by the bank crash four years ago. As for the protesters and other young people using Facebook or any other Internet social media site it's just a modern way of communicating with one another born out of the times. Once you have any internet enabled phone which need not cost that much it does not then cost you anything at all to get your point across to any part of world.

To bring the thread back to a rail theme, the Moscow protesters I mentioned earlier in the thread in 1916 used what was then the relatively new Moscow tram system for their communications. They found it was much easier for individuals to travel about passing out information two activists on where the next demonstration would be and they would then arrange for groups to travel via the trams to the demonstration sites . It was easy for the Moscow police to identify and arrest known individuals when they were just walking through the streets and also to stop individual groups of protesters when they were on their way to demonstrations if they where walking. The Moscow tram system allowed individuals and groups to travel quite innocuously around the city which was quite new and imitative at that time.

Then they did it by tram then, now they do it by Facebook or Twitter it's just times moving on. To them Facebook is just a tool it matters little what they think of the company that owns it. Personally I would not touch Facebook with a barge pole, but that's just me. However, as a rail enthusiast I do find it quite amusing that what was a very basic tram system very much contributed to the toppling of the world's greatest monarch and aristocracy at that time. hahaha

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Perhaps a "National" subject on an international forum is not a good choice for satire. It just seemed to me that so many from other countries seem to know everything about the US (from other posts I've read), that I thought it would be understood. Thanks to everyone who read it, my apologies to those who did not "get it", and my thanks again to those who did.

Yeah, they like to think they know a lot about the US.

I thought the piece was good and saw the connections immediately.
To bring the thread back to a rail theme, the Moscow protesters I mentioned earlier in the thread in 1916 used what was then the relatively new Moscow tram system for their communications. They found it was much easier for individuals to travel about passing out information two activists on where the next demonstration would be and they would then arrange for groups to travel via the trams to the demonstration sites . It was easy for the Moscow police to identify and arrest known individuals when they were just walking through the streets and also to stop individual groups of protesters when they were on their way to demonstrations if they where walking. The Moscow tram system allowed individuals and groups to travel quite innocuously around the city which was quite new and imitative at that time.(snip) However, as a rail enthusiast I do find it quite amusing that what was a very basic tram system very much contributed to the toppling of the world's greatest monarch and aristocracy at that time. hahaha

That IS interesting, thank you!

I thought the piece was good and saw the connections immediately.

Thank you. I note that so far Jointed Rail has been "protest free". May it continue so.
This is just another thinly disguised attempt at bringing US right-wing political opinions into this forum. The only people who think you're funny, Ed, are those who agree with you. You...and your buds...have been watching too much Fox News. You should cut back on that. It will rot your brain. :)

This is just another thinly disguised attempt at bringing US right-wing political opinions into this forum. The only people who think you're funny, Ed, are those who agree with you. You...and your buds...have been watching too much Fox News. You should cut back on that. It will rot your brain. :)

As the most of the U.S. "mainstream" media is center-left economically and radical-left (a.k.a. "progressive") socially, there aren't too many alternatives. Fox is actually pretty middle-of-the-road, compared to the mainstream media and the handful of conservative outlets out there. Perhaps you need to actually watch Fox rather than rely on garbage like Huffington Post, etc. to tell you what to think about it and everything else.

Besides, I don't know of any foamers that are as derpa-derpa-derpa crazy as the OWS folks. Really, no one should be offended by this funny post, but if any one could, it should be railfans, not the OWS nuts, and certainly not because of their politics.
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This is just another thinly disguised attempt at bringing US right-wing political opinions into this forum. The only people who think you're funny, Ed, are those who agree with you. You...and your buds...have been watching too much Fox News. You should cut back on that. It will rot your brain. :)


And I don't even watch TV. Humor is humour, even when spelt incorrectly :P lol
As the most of the U.S. "mainstream" media is center-left economically and radical-left (a.k.a. "progressive") socially, there aren't too many alternatives. Fox is actually pretty middle-of-the-road, compared to the mainstream media and the handful of conservative outlets out there. Perhaps you need to actually watch Fox rather than rely on garbage like Huffington Post, etc. to tell you what to think about it and everything else.

Besides, I don't know of any foamers that are as derpa-derpa-derpa crazy as the OWS folks. Really, no one should be offended by this funny post, but if any one could, it should be railfans, not the OWS nuts, and certainly not because of their politics.

Like I'll rot your brain. :D


P.S. Now thats humor, Ed!
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I fear this thread has developed a decidedly squeaky set of wheels on the left side! The Union boys will be after me if I don't "lubricate" them now, but the "Corporate Big Boys" are telling me to forge on! What to do...what to do?
I fear this thread has developed a decidedly squeaky set of wheels on the left side! The Union boys will be after me if I don't "lubricate" them now, but the "Corporate Big Boys" are telling me to forge on! What to do...what to do?

Neither - shoot for the stars! :D