My upgade to SP1 experience


Yesterdayz Trainz Member
What I had:

Trainz 2012
Aerotrain DLC
Blue Comet DLC

Some time ago I uninstalled AeroTrain and Blue Comet because of an issue with an asset they installed, specifically a Passengers asset. With them installed my system attached what was a "payware only" asset to anything I made and created a problem when I released my Maryland and Pennsylvania Terminal Railroad route.

So I had Trainz installed and Aerotrain and Blue Comet FORMERLY installed.

I downloaded the patch and ran the installer.

Upon completion all I saw as "1 error, 0 warnings" but I have no idea what the "error" was.

I also had a window from Windows Firewall asking if I wanted to keep blocking "tadaemon" which I told it to stop doing.

I ran the TS12 launcher and checked "Options" - Didn't notice any changes.

I then clicked "Content" and opened the content manager.

Here, when I clicked the "Missing Dependencies" tab I had over 200 items. After some investigation, I found that many were missing that same aforementioned Passenger asset.

By all appearances, the OLD asset which had been included with TS12 appeared to be missing, showing a "Location Unknown" ? icon. The one that had been payware, and had come with Aerotrain and Blue Coment, appeared as "Disabled" (Red circle with a diagonal line), so I right clicked and Enabled it.

I now ran a "Quick Database Repair".

Some errors disappeared.

I now ran an "Extended Database Repair"

All but 5 errors disappeared.

Of those 5, 2 were erroneous and vanished when I right clicked them and chose "Show Errors and Warnings", 1 was a missing screenshot which I fixed, and the last 2 were JVC assets which had more serious problems. I had only used them on my own routes, so I just deleted them (one issue was a missing mesh table in a mesh library and when I attempted to repair that a ton of texture errors appeared).

During the process of trying to repair assets, I discovered that Content Creator Plus would not launch. I managed to fix this by deleting the CCP.exe.config file found in the "bin" folder. I have no idea if there are ANY RAMIFICATIONS to doing this so do so at your own risk.

Now, everything appears A-OK.

New menus are nice and show a level of integration that really should have been there from the start. There is a Multiplayer browser, and a page that lets you access DLC payware in-game, AS WELL AS DLS content AND you can upload your routes from there too.

Suicidal Drunk drivers look like they've all had their day in court and been locked up!

I can't speak to less obvious improvements but it is at the very least a step in the right direction.