
New member
Hi all
Has anyone any idea how under AI, I can place empty waggons at a wheat silo and continue on to the next station and place more empties and so on.
I need them to be loaded and rolled past and at the other end of the yard when the train returnes.
Perhaps a trigger could be placed further down the track that would instruct the empties to load and move to the other end.

I know this is done in 2004 with coal loading but I don't know how.
I am trying to set up a grain run with the empties placed on the DOWN and picked up loaded on the UP which is the normal procedure in Victoria.
Any ideas please.
Norm (locoone)
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The wagons can be dropped off no problem
But you need a shunter at the industry to do the loading/unloading and rearranging ready for pick up, also no problem

Unit arrives at industry Arrive Loop
uncouples the wagons to leave here
leaves the industry
on the industry exit place a trigger
instruct shunter to wait until the main unit triggers the exit point
shunter picks up wagons/loads puts them in the departure loop and returns to his waiting shed
main unit on way back picks up the loaded wagons and leaves

its just a matter of triggers and timings

Hi all
Has anyone any idea how under AI, I can place empty waggons at a wheat silo and continue on to the next station and place more empties and so on.
I need them to be loaded and rolled past and at the other end of the yard when the train returnes.
Perhaps a trigger could be placed further down the track that would instruct the empties to load and move to the other end.

I know this is done in 2004 with coal loading but I don't know how.
I am trying to set up a grain run with the empties placed on the DOWN and picked up loaded on the UP which is the normal procedure in Victoria.
Any ideas please.
Norm (locoone)

Hi all
Has anyone any idea how under AI, I can place empty waggons at a wheat silo and continue on to the next station and place more empties

I can't think how you might do this using AI.

ProtoLars industry track allows you to leave wagons standing and have them loaded (one by one if you prefer) over a period of time for picking up later - but the wagons need to be placed over a trigger point with more precision than AI allows for.
Kelly88 has it spot on. If you've ever had the opportunity to play Trainz Driver, this is how it's done at the CFAC aluminium works except that you have to tell the drivers what they have to do...



Hi all
Thanks for all the info above.
Sorry can't put up a screen shot as yet as I havn't had time to start this project. Been busy on other matters but it is on my mind a lot
In this state all silos are on a gravitation and the waggons are placed on the high side and then. During the day they are rolled down and loaded by the silo keeper and then picked up at the other end of the yard by the returning train.
My idea was to place the waggons and then when further down the main line hit a trigger which would signal the waggons to move to the other end of the yard as loaded.
I am sure this would be done in real life in most places around the world.
Any further ideas please
Norm (locoone)
Have you considered using the DriverCommand "CommWithTTable" (131986:21005) in combination with the "Worktable" rule (131986:230102)?
In this rule you can create and post any message you like, and then make one driver send it as a cue for an other driver to perform a specified duty.
Check it out.
The thing is he whants the wagons to be dropped off at the yard and to be loaded without using any motive power

now in real life this is possible
At Blyth they used to do this on the outer jetty to load coal
wagons arrived on arrival track and from there moved under gravity to loading shoot, the tipper would then place the emty on the outside track witch slopped the opposite way and they would roll back to the departure track.
In Goole they had Capstans placed around the yard and moved them like this
On many places today they use a tractor and in some cases a fork lift to push them around the load/unload place,

Thing is in trainz you do not have this option, OK you could lay your track with
a slope and if you are lucky you could get them to roll, and you may be able to stop them, but it would be very difficult( and you would need to do it automatic would not be an option) you have to use a shunter ( even if you use an invisible loco ) it would need instruction to follow

Have you considered using the DriverCommand "CommWithTTable" (131986:21005) in combination with the "Worktable" rule (131986:230102)?
In this rule you can create and post any message you like, and then make one driver send it as a cue for an other driver to perform a specified duty.
Check it out.

Hi All
Thanks again for the input.
I will have a look at the mentioned KUIDs and see how I go.
From what I read above I may be able to have an invisible loco sitting on an invisible track which leads to the main siding that can be triggered to couple on and push the waggons passed the loading point and then uncouple and return to its invisible track again to wait for the next placement. I have the invisible track and will have a look for a loco
Yer! I know this sounds silly, but think about it, it just might work?
I will post here what I find out.
Norm (locoone)
There is one on the DLS : CableLoco 78193:604 , or you can make one yourself. This is an excelent opportunity to understand the basics of rolling stock , and no complex modelling, just a small cube.
Take a look at the SimpleLocoTRS2004 tutorial on Trainz Luvr ; that tutorial is also somewhere on the Auran website.
Hi All
I have now tried it out and it works perfectly.
What I have done is set up a section of track for the main line and made a siding loop with a silo placed on the siding.
The train approaches from the left.
Where the siding curves to connect to the main line I have placed a section of INVISIBLE TRACK parallel to the main line.
At the end of the Invisible track is an INVISIBLE SIGNAL
Near that is a TRACKMARK named 'Home' and just in front of that I have placed an INVISICAB.
Down near the silo I have a TRACKMARK named 'place' this is where the main line train will place the empties and it must be clear of the points leading to the INVISIBLE TRACK.
At the other end of the siding there is TRACKMARK named 'loaded'.
A Trackmark "shunt" is placed on the main line leaving enough room to back iint the siding and a TRIGGER is placed somewhere further down the main line so that when the main line train is out of site of the silo it will trigger the INVISICAB to go to work. This trigger must work in one direction only so it does'nt work again on the way back.
INVISICAB is given a driver just like a regular train and the following instructions :-
Wait for trigger (etc). Couple to waggons. Drive to silo. Load. Drive to Trackmark "loaded". UncoupleZ. Drive to Trackmark"home". repeat.
The Main Line train :-
Drive to Trackmark "shunt". Drive to Trackmark "place". Uncouple from(x). and then drive to the next town where the setup is repeated.
On the way the Trigger is triggered and the Invisicab goes to work.
In driver all you see is the train arrive and place the waggons near the silo and go on its way.
Shortly after the waggons start to slowly move through the silo and down to the other end of the yard.
This worked out a lot easier than I thought it would and I thank all concerned for your assistance.
I can see it being used in many other places.
Try it out ! I am sure you will like it.
Norm (locoone)
Hi All
I have now tried it out and it works perfectly.
To Experiment what I have done is set up a section of track for the main line and made a siding loop with a silo placed on the siding.
The main line train approaches from the left.
Where the siding curves to connect to the main line on the right I have placed a section of INVISIBLE TRACK parallel to the main line.
At the end of the Invisible track is an INVISIBLE SIGNAL
Near that is a TRACKMARK named 'Home' and just in front of that I have placed an INVISICAB.
Down near the silo I have a TRACKMARK named 'place' this is where the main line train will place the empties which must be left clear of the points leading to the INVISIBLE TRACK.
At the other end of the siding there is TRACKMARK named 'loaded'.
A Trackmark "shunt" is placed on the main line leaving enough room to back into the siding and a TRIGGER is placed somewhere further down the main line so that when the main line train is out of site of the silo it will trigger the INVISICAB to go to work. This trigger must work in one direction only so it does'nt work again on the way back.
INVISICAB is given a driver just like a regular train and the following instructions :-
Wait for trigger (X). Couple to waggons. Drive to silo. Load. Drive to Trackmark "loaded". UncoupleZ. Drive to Trackmark"home". repeat.
The Main Line train :-
Drive to Trackmark "shunt". Drive to Trackmark "place". Uncouple from(x). and then drive to the next town where the setup is repeated.
On the way the Trigger is triggered and the Invisicab goes to work.
In driver all you see is the train arrive and place the waggons near the silo and go on its way.
Shortly after the waggons start to slowly move through the silo and down to the other end of the yard.
This worked out a lot easier than I thought it would and I thank all concerned for your assistance.
I can see it being used in many other places.
Try it out ! I am sure you will like it.
Norm (locoone)
surely if you have an invisible loco on invisible track with invisible signals, How do you know it's still there in Driver!?!

Sounds like an interesting conumdrum...


Harry James Potter
Good question. I would say if the waggons haven't moved to where they should be then you know you have a problem.
I guess you can always take over control and click yourself into the drivers cab.
A bigger problem is to find it in surveyor if you want to replace it with some thing else as all you see are a red and green arrow.
When testing it in driver I just click on the driver and the instructions come up at the bottom of the screen like any other train.
then you will see the waggons start to move to the silo and stop while they are loaded and then move down to the trackmark and stop and then the scenery moves back just like you were scanning with a camera until the invisicab gets back to the home trackmark.
The best way to see how it works is to try it. It isn't difficult.
The only thing is to watch the speed as the waggons tend to derail if they hit the trackmark going to fast.
Guess how you slow them down.............Use invisibla speed boards..of course !!!
Norm (locoone)
OK so you have gone to all this effort to load/unload your wagons
but you still in fact used a shunter
so you could just have put a small spur on the industry line and used a vissible shunter in the same way, at lest it would look right
you now have wagons moving by themself, if you require that much reality you need a fiquire of a man on one of the wagons to opperate the brakes !!?
All I really wanted was to have the main line train return and pick up the waggons at the other end of the siding which is what I have accomplished.
The main line train does not hang around and watch the waggons being loaded but goes onto the next siding and the next etc until arriving at the final destination where he will either pick up the waggons placed on the last trip or push his empties through while they are being loaded and then expects to pick up the other waggons loaded at the other end of each siding on return. If they really are loaded or not does'nt worry me as long as they at the other end
This is what happens in real life in this country. I have had over 40 years with it
It also stands to reason that you wouldn't have a shunting engine sitting for days at each siding just to push a few waggons passed a silo may be once a day.
Yes, I know the invisicab is an engine but when the train arrives at the siding under AI and you are in the cab you see only what you would normally see and that is nothing except an empty siding or a siding waiting to be cleared.
If anyone can come up with an easier way to move these waggons I am always ready to listen.
Norm (locoone)
All I really wanted was to have the main line train return and pick up the waggons at the other end of the siding which is what I have accomplished.
The main line train does not hang around and watch the waggons being loaded but goes onto the next siding and the next etc until arriving at the final destination where he will either pick up the waggons placed on the last trip or push his empties through while they are being loaded and then expects to pick up the other waggons loaded at the other end of each siding on return. If they really are loaded or not does'nt worry me as long as they at the other end
This is what happens in real life in this country. I have had over 40 years with it
It also stands to reason that you wouldn't have a shunting engine sitting for days at each siding just to push a few waggons passed a silo may be once a day.
Yes, I know the invisicab is an engine but when the train arrives at the siding under AI and you are in the cab you see only what you would normally see and that is nothing except an empty siding or a siding waiting to be cleared.
If anyone can come up with an easier way to move these waggons I am always ready to listen.
Norm (locoone)

No you wouldn't have a shunter at a set of sidings like that... That's why most of the UK's 08/09 fleet clocked up most of their miles going between sidings and depots. Some companies actually pay to either hire or purchase their own shunters although this fairly rare these days.


I know what the man said and I know what he needs
and as long as he is happy thats all that counts
I was just being a bit heavy on the point (sorry) its that I seam to work the otherway round
the AI runs the main line both pass and freight
I shunt in the yards, It would look stupid if I saw a rake of wagons moving with no apparant motive power,

It reminds me when I was about 9 years old ( I think) they had just electrified the line from Gillingham towards the coast, ( before it was steam only) I was working with a local farmer in a feild beside the tracks and one of the early DMU's came pass, the poor guy, (was about 60) started to shout, and wave his arms about , he thought they were run away coaches,