Moving a route from TS12 to TANE


Get over it
If I remember correctly what I should do is clone the route I want to move and replace all of Pofig's trees with either his TANE trees or something else that is compatible with Tane. My Tiiamook RR has many of Pofig's trees and I sure don't want to have to replace them one at a time. Once I am satisfied with the changes then I can move the cloned route over to TANE. Is my thinking correct here? I would hate to screw up this route. Thank you.
Cloning a route makes a copy of the route and gives the copy a new kuid number. Any changes you make to the cloned route will not affect the original which will still be on your system in its original form. So you are on the right track.

It is also advisable to give the cloned route a new name (e.g. add CLONE to the end of its name) otherwise you can easily have two routes with the same name in both CM and in the Trainz route selector and that will cause confusion.