Monticello Railway Museum...Opening up for 2009, Mother's Day Special.


SARM Volunteer
Hello Everyone,
Please don't mistake this thread for an advertisment.
I would like to formally announce that the Monticello Railway Museum will begin operations on Mothers Day. I believe that there will be four trips this year but I may be wrong, however Trains will be running between 11:00 and 4:00pm.
Now why am I announcing this?
Well I wanted to let ya'll know about it, but I also wanted to know if any of you would care to join me!
I will be up there Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Trains only run Sat & Sun.
I will be washing the locomotive Friday.

If you would like to join me, just give me a ring via PM or on this thread.
Please be sure to tell me how I can recognize you!
I will be wearing an Illinois basketball hat FYI.

Basically, If you live in Illinois or anywhere and you would like to join me and get to know some of your fellow Trainzers, this is a good chance!

I can also give anyone a personal tour of the yard and shops.

IC ,

I am hoping that this means your grandfather is better ??
I have been following that thread , but no update other than you are leaving tomorrow , I am hoping all is well ?

--- ,DLR
We are leaving tomorrow...or so it was said the other day...I am only 15 so that is up to my parents, so we'll see.
As far as I know he is still in the hospital, not well, but alive.
I can't even begin to express how much I appreciate everybody's concern.
Thank You.