Modeling the yard where your dad works.


TS2010EE SP3; Build 49933
well i have been bored latly so i started to make the yard where my dad works just for fun. it might be uploaded.
this is the map of the yard im following.

this is an old map.:( back from 1991 when Conrail owned the yard. there is now a intermodal as far as i know replacing the Reciving yard but until i get an up to date map i will not model it. now here are some pics of what i have done so far.
this is looking toward the Depature Yard from the East, cant tell which ways N, S, E, or W,;) which is currently 90% completed.

and here a map from what i have done so far.:)

what ya guys think? any ideas for improvment and that stuff?
im just doin this to learn kinda so tell me what i should fix and stuff. except textures.:rolleyes:
this will be if uploaded in 5 forms. the one your seeing right now in just track the one in a spring/summer season and a winter season. there will also be one in a no hump form. this yard used to have a hump system it doesnt anymore but i am modeling both. also in winter, spring/summer, and just track form. :eek: :p :o
hope you like it.
haha i got it for a present for my 11th birthday.its even has a section to show the mainline plus signal configuration. very handy in my opinion.
Big yard there! It seems like the curves may be a little sharp, but I may be wrong. Remember it is a drawing you are going by :D
Suggestion: For a current view maybe you should try google earth or microsoft's terraserver.
haha i got it for a present for my 11th birthday.its even has a section to show the mainline plus signal configuration. very handy in my opinion.

If you were a bit older, i would bought you a couple of cold ones, and asked pretty please.
But since you're only 14, i'll leave it.:D


Are you an English Teacher by any chance??;)
Your comments do amuse me, but I must admit, being in the Printing Industry and having to do "proof reading" they are valid points!!
I sometimes despair at the standards of grammar, not just on the forum but in life in general.

Keep up the good work


ps. I hope there are no errors here!?

haha! im set i get everything if i need it from the GYO.
Arum the curves are not that sharp i checked them with a CSX locos and cars there fine. and yes it is big.
haha Mike funny i wonder why im failing English class. :eek: yea thats right.
i have done this yard before in fact didnt work out. i was unexperianced and didnt know what i was doing so the yard was all messed up. heres some pics of the older yard i did. as you can see uhh well it wasnt done very well but we all have to start somewhere!


as you can see it was built on a HOG layout. so its useless.
haha! im set i get everything if i need it from the GYO.
Arum the curves are not that sharp i checked them with a CSX locos and cars there fine. and yes it is big.

I agree with Arum actually whilst it may look OK no yard would have curves that sharp. If you did that in real life I would like to see you get a loco around that sort of curve without severing something. Like Arum said it is only a drawing and copying it verbatim will NOT provide you with the real thing IMHO. Have you checked it against photos?

I dont think i can post here (Looks around) the mistake police might get me! for the yard nice lot of tracklaying there Adam
the book well I aggree with Caddylars (If you were a bit older, i would bought you a couple of cold ones, and asked pretty please.
But since you're only 14, i'll leave it.:D )
The beer that is :D The only time my Dad worked in the yard was when mowing it no one in my family has ever worked on the railways so I guess this leaves me out...I'll close the door as I leave :D
yea opps i know about those curves now.
the book is from the GYO of the yard i am constructing. it cant be found anywhere. they are only for CSX workers sorry. i just happened to get one.
im going to fix those curves. dont worry.
lolthats what i thought lol

yea opps i know about those curves now.
the book is from the GYO of the yard i am constructing. it cant be found anywhere. they are only for CSX workers sorry. i just happened to get one.
im going to fix those curves. dont worry.
thats what i thought lol
If you need the diagram, it's in North American Railyards by Michael Rhodes (ISBN 0-7603-1578-7), which includes tons of pictures, information, and track schematics for about 80 yards.