missing mesh.im


New member
i am trying my hand at gmax got my project into trains and got the meshdata::databaseload cannot load mesh:'mesh.im' can any one tell me how to fix this
You don't really give much info but I'll assume you mean you've got your project into CMP rather than Trainz, in which case there are three possibilities that I can think of:

- You haven't put the mesh in the asset's folder.
- The name of the .im file does not match what you have entered into the "mesh" line of the config (what's the name of the .im file in your folder?).
- The .im file is in a subfolder (in which case the "mesh" line in the config should read "foldername\mesh.im") or it's in a different subfolder to what your config file says.

If you post your config and give us a bit more info we'll be able to tell you what's wrong.

kind "scenery"
light 1
category-class "VL"
kuid "<198639:1070>"
username "scion xb"
author "fairmont"
contact-email "36fairmont1@msn.com"
contact-website "none"
license "Feel free to do what you like with it!"
category-region "US"
category-era "2000s"
trainz-build 2.5
kuid-table {
mesh-table {
default {
auto-create 1
mesh "mesh.im"
in the file is the config and the .im file nothing else
OK the "in the file is the config and the .im file nothing else" is not right, you must have a texture that has been maped to the mesh in gmax.
It sounds as if you're not exporting your mapped textures. You need to use the resource collector and export your textures to the content folder.
You should wind up with a texture (.tga or .bmp) along with a texture.txt file for each texture that you're using.
Nice to see some more Florida guys roaming around. I'm right across the bridge in Tampa, drop me an IM if you'd like to do some railfanning sometime.
