Missing Kuids Thread - post requests for help finding them here.


New member
I cannot seem to find a general thread for people to post their requests for help in finding missing kuids. So I thought I would start one. Maybe it will help keep the number of threads asking for missing kuid help from multiplying too much.

To get the ball rolling I am looking for these kuids at these versions:

Unknown Location: <kuid:101839:52048>
Unknown Location: <kuid:101839:52050>
Unknown Location: <kuid:101839:52051>
Unknown Location: <kuid:101839:52052>
Unknown Location: <kuid:101839:52053>
Unknown Location: <kuid:101839:52054>
Unknown Location: <kuid:101839:52055>
Unknown Location: <kuid:101839:52056>
Unknown Location: <kuid:101839:52057>
Unknown Location: <kuid:101839:52058>
Unknown Location: <kuid:101839:52059>
Unknown Location: <kuid:101839:52060>
Unknown Location: <kuid:101839:52061>

According to kuid index they are from settle and carlisle but there are no links. I also know they are LieLeStobrat kuids. Any help?
What are the dependencies for?

If they're for LieLestosBrat's 9F, they should be on the DLS, just with updated versions.

Or, you could purchase the S&C pack and get the 9Fs from that which have better sounds and smoke effects than the earlier non-S&C ones.

Same Thing To Me I Looked There it says No Results Found And Sometimes It Works Withother People But I Dont How They Do it AND Who the heck knows where's this kuid <kuid:311512:6002>
Here's a list of all the unknown dependencies i'm missing from all the downloads i have so far:

Unknown Location: <kuid:475197:1374> - Needed for the AQ&M 30ng 4-8-4 #560 from Trainz Divide

Unknown Location: <kuid:726760:100228> & Unknown Location: <kuid:726760:100229> - Needed for the CHV 201 Class 2-8-0 #21, Petersburg Shortline 2-8-0 #21 & Petersburg Shortline 4-6-2 #578 from (I don't know, but the creator's name of these is chris2001trainz2010.)

Unknown Location: <kuid:726760:100231> - Needed for CHV 201 Class 2-8-0 #21's Tender, Petersburg Shortline 2-8-0 #21's Tender & Petersburg Shortline 4-6-2 #578's Tender from (I don't know, but the creator's name of these is chris2001trainz2010.)

Unknown Location: <kuid:584038:100002> & Unknown Location: <kuid2:569535:100162:1> - Needed for the CN SD75I from Trainz Stop.

Unknown Location: <kuid:305408:100109> - Needed for all 3 NM&W 2-8-8-2 Tenders from Trainz Forge.

Unknown Location: <kuid:378673:100443> - Needed for the PacNat F7's from Trainz Forge.

Unknown Location: <kuid:475197:1374> - Needed for the TC&E 2-8-2 from Trainz Divide

If you ask, yes, i searched these on both the DLS and the Trainz Asset Kuid Search Engine and they both had no results and i downloaded all the dependencies required for them from their respective websites.

Do any of you guys know where i can get all of these? Thanks a bunch! ;)
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