Missing asset kuid?


New member
Hi Everyone.
Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad's

I'm searching for this missing Kuid 138423:51002 it's for my SD35 CSX 4573 engine that I had for a couple of years and now it's missing so the engine will not load up in surveyor. I can't figure out how I lost this asset since I did not delete anything from trainz:o

Can anyone help me out here.
This is the creator of this loco joram24@hotmail.com email him for possible help.

He could have used Wulf 9 engine's, which he has in the past:
Here is wulf's kuid ID : 104722

Hope this helps................

Damon (The Rocker)
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The kuid number you are quoting is the enginesound for the following locomotives, may I suggest you download the pack and delete what you have in your system, then do a full re-install of the locomotive, then you should be able to run it again....http://www.rrmods.com/loco2.shtml

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
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Thanks guys for all the advice.

I did download the whole engine pack again after deleting the files and still have the same missing kuid.
I will send Joram an e-mail and see if he can help.
It seems strange that this kuid is no longer working on my computer,as it worked fine since these engines were first available.:confused:

Well thanks for all your help.

Problem solved by Joram
Everything is now working fine again, happy days.
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