Mesh making programmes - plea for help


New member
Hi everyone

After a year from the purchase of t-ane and an extensive and intensive searching for a pack of platforms, that would be slabs covered, similar to modern Austrian platforms or Berlin HBF platforms, 1 meter or 1.1 meter high, 1m, 2m and 4m wide one sided type and 6m and 8m two sided type, I came to the only possible conclusion: building them on my own. But after a week of readinf Blender's manual I still do not now, how to create simple, spline objects, like platforms and canopies are.

Is there a much, much simple freeware programme, that would allow me to build such platforms?

thanks, Ambroz

ps: but if somebody knows, where i can find and download such platforms, that has to be buildable (combining wider and narrower pltfs would allow me to build nice curved platforms, that gets narrower to the ends), let me know.
The problem with Blender is we only use 5% of it's capabilities and the tutorials insist on describing the rest. Start by looking at GM's work and see if it does the job.

On the Blender side take it slowly and try to build a textured cube then export it. For TANE you'll want to use .im so go back in time to Blender 2.79b and use it's export system. It is possible to use Blender 4 and create .im files but there aren't many tutorials on this and to be honest Blender 4 FBX and PBR are more complex. and look for the moving house tutorial 2.65. That will take you through the basic steps. Questions just post them here. Once you have created a house you should be able to work out how to create a platform etc.

Cheerio John
Hi I made such a platform set with components in gmax

go try and see if you can use it
It has different versions with extra tiles for blind
greetings GM
Thank you very much man. So G-max can be used also for tane and making .im files? Is it stil available somewhere? I've been using it years ago and it is much more simple then blender. While for your platforms: I've actually downloaded them. But i would like to build extremely precise pltfs, using also some available track templates. And your work, which for the rest is great, does not fit perfectly wizh these remplaes, becouse you are using 7,5 m and 3,5 m width.
yeah gmax 1.2 works fine for any version of Trainz, I use it everyday and the exporter to .IM must still be on the wiki
if you cant find it, I still have it on my server, incl the exporter
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yeah gmax 1.2 works fine for any version of Trainz, I use it everyday and the exporter to .IM must still be on the wiki
if you cant find it, I still have it on my server, incl the exporter
i've just downloaded it from your link, thnks. But during installatin in asks me to use openGL or directX. Gosh, i'm not sure what this hell of win11 uses? Until win xp I knew all about how to install and repair mz OS and all programes in PC, but in this confusing newer version of win i do not know anything anymore.