Merry Christmas everybody


New member
With a little bit of help from Canadian National Railroads :hehe: , I would just like to say a huge thank you to all the Auran staff, and all Trainzers around the world, for your creations and your wonderful friendly assistance this year.

May I wish everyone a peaceful and happy Christmas, wherever you are in the world.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.


Well, Thanks for the Christmas greetings,
a Merry Christmas to you also.
We just had a whack of snow here in the Toronto area, so it does look a lot like Christmas here. :wave:
thanks for the christmas greeting.
Yes Orangeville got it as well. Time to blow the driveway again :p
"it is beginning to lookalot like christmas" :D
Did I mention that I HATE winter?

Couldn't make it into work and had to shovel the driveway twice already!

Can't wait for spring!!!!

Don't know what you're all complaining about...

... middle of summer here. :cool:

Barbecue and cold beer for Christmas dinner. :udrool:


And a Merry Christmas to all.
My sister is in Oklahoma, and is just as happy to have the latest storm move north, thank you.
They're thinking of changing the name to The Great State of Emergency.

I'm with you Midland :) Just had agreat BBQ and few Beers after work :) Xmas is great!!

Merry Crimbo to the rest also :hehe:
Ahh...good to see some poeple are enjoying Drewmans CP Escanasba Sub (sp?). I haven't run that in a while got to go get it from TCS again.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!
All of Drewmans routes are at TCS that he has released. Look through the site by clicking my sig.
He has left Trainz though so you could not really contact him about Trainz he might be able to help if your missing anything from the routes but not sure about that.

TCS Route Builder
Thanks very much for the info Adam, some of his routes are excellent. A great pity he is not still creating layouts for us anymore.

Cheerz. ex. :wave: