Hardly surprising really, it took you jokers more 'n a century to get them all standardised!
Besides, it's my session and I can do what I like!
I'm guessing it's the QR stockcars that are the problem Colin. I can get rid of them but the only interactive stockcars available are Yankee ones. You Ockers need to get busy and make some more interactive stock. There's a mountain of Aussie stock on the DLS but very little of it is industry enabled.
Here endeth the lesson.
Nix (banned for life from building railways in Awstralia)
Actually looking at those pictures the stockcars look as if they have standard gauge bogies under 'em. I'll have to go into TRS to check it out.
Edit edit:
They are all standard gauge Colin. I'm sure that's how they arrived from the DLS coz I certainky haven't customised them yet.